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Stop violence by fighting white supremacy

May 18, 2022
Over the weekend, an 18-year-old white supremacist drove for hours to a neighborhood grocery store in Buffalo, where he shot 13 people, specifically targeting Black people. Ten died. [1] Our hearts ache for the victims and families of the Buffalo shooting and for the city itself. Our hearts break for the Black community, which once again has been targeted in a racially motivated mass shooting.
Gloria Pan's picture

USE YOUR VOICE! Write a letter to the editor, let’s end Title 42 once and for all! Inbox

May 2, 2022
We are so relieved that the Biden administration is putting an end to the use – or misuse – of Title 42, a policy started by the Trump administration to deny asylum-seekers their right to seek safety in the United States. But we’re still not in the clear of ending this policy that is a violation of...
Donna's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, April 29, 2022

April 29, 2022
We’ve gathered your stories, of why Care Can’t Wait (Thank you!), And in a few days… it’s gonna be May. As April wraps up, we’re not slowing down. In anticipation of Mother’s Day, we are pushing Congress to pass robust family-centered legislation. We must ensure the wellbeing of pregnant workers,...
Selina Maldonado's picture

¡Únete a MAMIbuster!

April 25, 2022
Se acerca el Día de la Madre, y después de más de dos años de estrés pandémico, vamos a celebrar nuestro día a lo GRANDE con un MAMIbuster! ¿Qué es MAMIbuster? ---> Durante ocho horas en el fin de semana del Día de la Madre, cientos de mamás, papás, padres, líderes y cuidadores de todo el país...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

Tell Congress: Pass COVID relief funding and end cruel Trump-era immigration policies!

April 15, 2022
We all want to be able to move past the collective trauma we have experienced over the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that access to vaccines, boosters, therapeutics, and tests are critical to combat the virus, keep schools and businesses open, ensure our continued economic...
Donna's picture
We Are MomsRising
storybook covers

SPECIAL DELIVERY: MomsRising Storybooks Delivered to Congress

March 30, 2022
This week, we delivered three hard copies of different storybooks to every member of Congress to celebrate the stories and advocacy of our incredible members. These storybooks include stories of families from across the country that highlight the critical need for investments in our Care Economy...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Martha: mother, educator, and advocate for the Child Tax Credit

March 10, 2022
Hello! My name is Martha Mouret-Sanders. I live in Dallas, Texas with my husband, our five-year-old son and our two-year-old daughter. I am a sixth grade teacher and a proud member of MomsRising. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today about what my family and my community have faced during the pandemic, and what we need to recover.

¡Únete a nuestra fiesta de Lotería!

February 28, 2022
Te invitanmos a disfrutar de palomitas y LOTERÍA con el Presidente... ¡todo desde la comodidad de tu sala! Este martes por la noche (1 de marzo) a las 9 p. m. ET / 6 p. m. PT, el presidente Joe Biden dará el Estado de la Unión 2022 (SOTU). Para que la observación sea divertida y poderosa, hemos...
linda's picture

Join Our BINGO Party!

February 25, 2022
Popcorn and BINGO with the President... all from the comfort of your living room! Want in? This Tuesday night (March 1st) at 9pm ET / 6pm PT President Joe Biden will be giving the 2022 State of the Union (SOTU). In order to make watching fun and powerful, we've created a BINGO card to help you...
Hanna's picture
We Are MomsRising

Protect Our Reproductive Rights: MomsRising Members Share Their Personal Stories on Abortion Experiences

February 24, 2022
What is Reproductive Justice? Bodily autonomy. Fair treatment. Attainable and affordable healthcare access.
Diarra Diouf's picture
