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Celebrate National Breastfeeding Month with MomsRising!

August 1, 2024
This August we are celebrating National Breastfeeding Month and this year's theme is - Nourish, Sustain, Thrive! We're still on top of the world celebrating the the rights that pregnant and pumping workers have in the workplace. You can learn (and share) about the legal protections for pregnant and...
Tina Sherman's picture

¡Es hora de jugar a la Lotería del Estado de la Unión!

March 6, 2024
¡Únete a nosotros para jugar Lotería durante el Estado de la Unión a las 9pmET/6pmPT el jueves 7 de marzo! Consigue tu cartón, marca las importantes victorias para el movimiento de cuidado mientras el presidente Joe Biden habla, ¡y celebra cuando las políticas que son importantes para nosotros...
linda's picture

¡Pide al Congreso que muestre amor por las familias en este Día de San Valentín!

January 24, 2024
En este San Valentín, le decimos al Congreso: "No rompan nuestros corazones. ¡Aprueben políticas que las familias amen!" Así es, ya es hora de que el Congreso muestre su amor por nuestras familias y apruebe políticas que sean más dulces que una caja de chocolates, políticas que beneficien a los...
linda's picture

This is Lurie Daniel Favors featuring MomsRising

January 10, 2024
Lurie Daniel Favors, activist, author, and attorney has a long-standing commitment to racial and social justice. She currently serves as Executive Director at the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College in New York. Catch the Lurie Daniel Favors Show live Monday - Friday 10 AM ET...
MomsRising's picture

2023 Wrapped: Our Top Ten Wins show the power of MOMS!

December 20, 2023
Our Top Ten Wins of 2023 are wrapped, mapped, and ready to show the power of MOMS! You can read the full list of our 2023 top ten wins together with you below. Spotify Graphic 1 New 1.jpg All told, against weighty odds, we were able to win big legislative battles, move mom voters, shift the...
Kristin's picture
National Breastfeeding Month

We're Celebrating National Breastfeeding Month

August 1, 2023
This National Breastfeeding Month we are celebrating!!! This year's theme is - This is Our Why. Our why - Supporting public policies that support pregnant and lactating families. And this year pregnant and pumping workers have new rights in the workplace. This is HUGE!! Gone are the days of...
Tina Sherman's picture

What Employers and Employees Should Know about the PUMP Act

July 1, 2023
On June 27, the White House hosted a celebration of two historic laws signed by President Biden—the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act. These victories are very personal to me, and it was my great pleasure to share my story at the event. I have been advocating for...
To-wen Tseng's picture
PHOTO of MomsRising for Immigrant Women and Families poster at San Antonio Event

¡Demuestra tu amor a quienes solicitan asilo!

February 1, 2023
Todos queremos lo mismo, un lugar seguro donde nuestras familias puedan vivir y prosperar. Eso es exactamente los que buscan los padres de familia que llegan a nuestra frontera a pedir asilo. Todos queremos proteger la vida y la salud de nuestros hijos. Para algunos padres de familia esto requiere...
Claudia Tristan's picture

Comenzamos: Poderosas Rising

September 15, 2022
Ahora que los niños han estrenado las mochilas y han empezado un nuevo año escolar, ¡MamásConPoder también tiene algo que estrenar! Este mes comenzamos una nueva serie de artículos de blog "Poderosas Rising" que ayudarán a informar a nuestra comunidad de todas las maneras en que estamos en el medio amplificando los asuntos más críticos que enfrentan las mujeres, las madres y las familias.
Selina Maldonado's picture

National Breastfeeding Month 2022: Together We Do Great Things

August 25, 2022
Every August, the lactation community joins together to celebrate and uplift this natural (and sometimes incredibly hard) journey of infant feeding. The month is kicked off with a World Breastfeeding Week Celebration and and follows with weekly celebrations centering historically underrepresented...
Selina Maldonado's picture
