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What is MomsRising?

MomsRising is a network of people just like you, united by the goal of building a more family-friendly America. Learn more about us »

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Our Child Care 101 Blog Series focuses on informing and educating voters who want to support child care What designates an area as a child care desert, what even is a child care desert? According to our friends at the Center for American Progress, a child care desert is “any census tract with more than 50 children under age 5 that contains either no child care providers or so few options that there are more than three times as many children as licensed child care slots.” 51% of the population...
Nadia's picture
S. Nadia Hussain
A photo of a family with a dad, two tween kids, and a mom walking hand in hand outdoors.]
On August 19 the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services published the application for Parole in Place for undocumented immigrant spouses, and stepchildren, of U.S. citizens. This is part of a June announcement by the Biden Administration to keep families together . Under this policy announcement, an estimated 500,000 spouses could stay in the U.S. with their families while obtaining legal status. People who are undocumented and married to U.S. citizens will be able to apply for work permits...
Claudia Tristan's picture
Claudia Tristán
graphic of women marching
Thanks to donors like you, we began amping up the full power of the Mom Vote.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Kerri Karvetski
Our Child Care 101 Blog Series focuses on informing and educating voters who want to support child care When it comes to fixing our nation’s broken child care system, our leaders must address the worsening pay gap and low wages of Early Childhood Educators along with issues of child care affordability and accessibility. Early educators are not getting anywhere near the support they need as they provide the critical work of caring for our nation’s very future, our children. Child care work is...
Nadia's picture
S. Nadia Hussain
photo collage of Moms Vote postcards
From the streets to the ballot box, moms are making our voices heard and inspiring our kids and communities. This year, help us mobilize moms to vote for the future we want to see for our loved ones and ourselves! MomsRising has a super easy, high-impact, and FREE way for YOU to help get out the vote!
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Sue Anne Reed
This August we are celebrating National Breastfeeding Month and this year's theme is - Nourish, Sustain, Thrive! We're still on top of the world celebrating the the rights that pregnant and pumping workers have in the workplace. You can learn (and share) about the legal protections for pregnant and lactating workers at our blog ! While we'll continue to celebrate, we know that when it comes to meeting the needs of expectant families - there is still work to be done. In the U.S. 4 out of 5...
Tina Sherman's picture
Tina Sherman
A stressed out mom with blond hair hold her baby in front of a stack of bills
Two-weeks ago, I got a panicked call from my teen son. He had dislocated his knee at Judo practice, couldn’t get up, and didn’t know what to do. I told him to call an ambulance, then I hopped in the car to go to him. As I drove there, I was—of course—extremely worried about my son, but, if I’m being honest, I was also very worried about how much the ambulance ride and ER visit would cost, despite having insurance! No one should delay or avoid needed medical treatment because of cost, but it is...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Felicia Burnett
The radio show this week comes to you direct from Netroots Nation 2024 in the Baltimore Convention Center with leaders lifting up the importance of reproductive freedoms, including abortion access; sharing how the care infrastructure is essential to everyone, and businesses too; diving into going viral on IG with some tips that can’t be missed; and covering the ways contraception is under attack and how to advocate to keep access open for all. *Special guests include: Lizz Winstead, Abortion...
MomsRising's picture
Text written “COVID-19 Mitigation = Community Care!” with a group of moms and children wearing masks
[This blog post was updated the week of August 5, 2024.] As we approach the end of Disability Pride Month today, we want to give you a COVID-19 crash course on everything you need to know and more! The United States is currently seeing massive increases of COVID-19 cases , with one report estimating that as of August 2, 2024, approximately 1 out of 37 Americans are currently infected with COVID-19. COVID-19 and the damage that has resulted for millions of people after infection is a phenomenon...
Hanna's picture
Hanna Addis