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MomsRising Newsroom

July 25, 2024
Statement “An Illinois mom called 911 for help. She needed care, safety, and concern but, instead, one of the police officers who responded shot her in the face. A mom is dead, a family devastated, a community immeasurably harmed by yet another racist, wholly unjustified police murder. Tragically, nobody should be surprised.
July 24, 2024
Statement “MomsRising Together is immensely proud to endorse Kamala Harris – the brilliant, pro-care, pro-choice, mom-friendly candidate for President of the United States.
July 22, 2024
Statement “America’s moms are grateful to President Joe Biden, who led the most pro-care, pro-choice administration in our nation’s history – and who selected an excellent Vice President in Kamala Harris. At a moment when a global pandemic devastated the country and our democracy was under unprecedented assault, the Biden/Harris administration stepped up with the mom- and family-centered priorities that lifted our economy and communities alike, visionary leadership, and the hope we needed to heal and thrive.
July 15, 2024
Statement “On Friday, when President Biden signed the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act into law, the country took a meaningful, badly needed step to improve maternal and infant health.
July 8, 2024
Statement “Each year on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, we measure the extent of the disgraceful wage discrimination that is holding back Black women and families, as well as businesses and our economy. This year, again, the numbers are deeply disturbing: Black women working full time, year-round are paid just 69 cents for every dollar paid to non-Hispanic white men who work full time, year-round. The wage gap widens to 66 cents when part-time and part-year workers are included in both categories.
July 3, 2024
Statement “The search for quality, affordable child care is the defining challenge in the lives of many young families. When it isn’t available, as is too often the case, moms and caregivers are forced out of the workforce. Families struggle to make ends meet. Children miss out on early learning opportunities that set them up to succeed in school. Businesses can’t fill the jobs they’ve created. And our economy suffers terribly.
June 28, 2024
Statement “Today the U.S. Supreme Court again upended long-standing precedent and jeopardized the country’s health, this time by granting courts – instead of experts at federal agencies – the authority to shape regulations designed to protect our health and safety. This judicial power grab will mean judges and justices without scientific and medical expertise, and some with ultra-conservative views and deep ties to special interests, now make decisions that affect our health and safety.
June 27, 2024
Statement “America’s moms wanted one thing from the U.S. Supreme Court in this case: A clear, unequivocal ruling that no pregnant person can be denied emergency health care because our health and our lives matter. Instead of providing that basic assurance, SCOTUS let us down yet again. Today’s action is a deep disappointment. Although women in Idaho have a reprieve, today’s action will put pregnant people in peril by creating potentially life-threatening confusion while we await additional litigation and whatever action extremists in Congress and future administrations may take.
June 24, 2024
Statement “On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8 – 1 in United States v. Rahimi that it is constitutional under the Second Amendment to temporarily disarm people subjected to domestic violence restraining orders.
June 24, 2024
Statement “The harm to moms, families, and our nation the U.S. Supreme Court caused with its Dobbs ruling, two years ago today, has been enormous. Moms facing miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies have gone without lifesaving care. Clinics that provided contraception and cancer screenings have closed. People needing abortion care have had to travel hundreds of miles, missing paychecks they need. Doctors have faced threats of prison simply for doing their jobs.
