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Review the Week: MomsVote Special Edition [Sept. 18, 2020]

September 17, 2020
ICYMI: It's six weeks until Election Day, and the MomsRising movement is more engaged than ever in defending families, rising for women and getting out the vote, and the posts you liked, loved and shared shows it! Check out this hot MomsRising content for the week ending Sept. 18., 2020. 1...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

18 Washington Caregivers Who are Changing Our World

September 15, 2020
To mother is to transform. Each and every day moms are shaping a more just future for us all through small and big acts alike -- whether it’s helping a tantruming toddler understand their feelings or advocating for their community with elected leaders, moms have superpowers that move us all forward...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

18 mamás de Washington que están cambiando nuestro mundo

September 15, 2020
Ser madre significa transformar. Todos los días las mamás crean un futuro más justo para todos nosotros a través de pequeñas y grandes acciones por igual –ya sea ayudando a un infante que está en medio de una pataleta a comprender sus sentimientos o abogando por su comunidad ante sus líderes...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: September 4, 2020

September 4, 2020
Before we get to the #5Actions this week, all of us at MomsRising want to first thank you for everything you’ve been doing to help protect our democracy, to advance justice, to get families and our economy much needed COVID-19 relief measures, and to help get out the MomsVote in 2020. We know you’...
Kristin's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of a Facebook post about kids supporting other kids held in immigration detention.]

Review the Week: 3 Can't Miss Posts [Aug 28, 2020]

August 27, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community was focused on being voters, raising voters and raising our voices for justice this week. Take a look at these three posts you loved, shared or might have missed for the week ending Aug. 28, 2020. 1) BLOG: Arizona! Your Voting Info and Deadlines Exercise your right...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Review the Week: 3 Can't Miss Posts [Aug. 7, 2020]

August 7, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community continued to raise our voices for justice and economic security for families hurt by the COVID-19 crisis this week. Check out these three important items that you loved, shared or might have missed for the week ending Aug. 7, 2020. BLOG: Mitch better have my money...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Mitch McConnell wrong again

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: July 31, 2020

July 30, 2020
It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of July. While we are gearing up for the elections in less than 100 days, we have some critical actions for you to take this week -- primarily related to COVID-19 relief. We need your help to urge Congress to extend unemployment insurance, protect the CDC...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Save childcare

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: July 24, 2020

July 23, 2020
Happy Friday. As summer starts to wind down, parents everywhere are struggling with questions around what the fall will look like. We know it’s tough. We also know that in order for parents to truly be able to “get back to work” we need the supports to do so, including childcare and early learning...
Karen Showalter's picture

Criando a una pequeña activista

July 14, 2020
Como hija de inmigrantes, vi la lucha de primera mano. Mis padres emigraron desde México hacia los Estados Unidos en 1966. Traian solo la ropa que llevaban puesta, un poco de dinero duramente ganado, sueños, y mucha determinación. Contra todo pronóstico, perseveraron y finalmente tuvieron éxito. Su...
Gabriela's picture

Raising a Little Activist

July 11, 2020
As the child of immigrants, I got to see the struggle firsthand. My parents immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico in 1966. They had only the clothes on their backs, a bit of hard-earned money, dreams, and a lot of determination. Against all odds they persevered and ultimately succeeded. Their plight...
Gabriela's picture
