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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image with headshots of the speakers for the Protect our Vote townhall.]

A Townhall on Protecting Our Health AND Our Vote

August 10, 2020
Not only is our country facing unprecedented public health and economic crises, but our democracy is in crisis, too. We have seen the devastating effect of voters forced to choose between their health and their vote in the Wisconsin and Georgia primaries, where thousands of voters had to wait in...
Anita's picture

FAQ: MomsRising GOTV Postcards

August 7, 2020
Answers to frequently asked questions about our GOTV postcard campaign. The sign-up period for GOTV postcards closed on Monday, August 17th because we officially reached our updated goal of sending 2 million voting reminder postcards!
Sara Alcid's picture

Calling All Digital Influencers!

August 6, 2020
Can you believe it’s already August? What a year it has been. We have been in touch with some of our digital influencers via our Risers & Shakers group on Facebook but, we are really hoping that everyone is doing as well as can be expected, given the fact that we are in the middle of a once-in-...
Sili Recio's picture
MomsVote Masks Instagram Post

Participa en el programa Beacons of Hope (Faros de Esperanza)

August 4, 2020
Es nuestro turno de brillar. Las mamás están hoy más comprometidas y entusiasmadas que nunca. Faltan menos de 100 días para las elecciones y ha llegado el momento de hacer uso de nuestra pasión y energía para contactarnos y ayudarnos mutuamente –¡y asegurar que la mayor cantidad de mamás posible...
linda's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]

Breastfeeding WIN ~ Postcard surge ~ Your July MOMentum

July 31, 2020
Summer is flying by and our MomsVote program is rocketing forward! Your enthusiasm for the MomsRising postcard program means that over 700,000 mom voters will receive a handwritten note of encouragement for them to vote! Let’s keep up the MOMentum and we WILL make it to 1 million postcards! Check...
Anita's picture
Save childcare

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: July 24, 2020

July 23, 2020
Happy Friday. As summer starts to wind down, parents everywhere are struggling with questions around what the fall will look like. We know it’s tough. We also know that in order for parents to truly be able to “get back to work” we need the supports to do so, including childcare and early learning...
Karen Showalter's picture

¡Ayuda a que más madres voten este noviembre!

July 21, 2020
¡Estamos haciendo que sea súper fácil (y totalmente GRATIS) que participes en nuestro poderoso esfuerzo de ayudar a otras mujeres y madres a salir a votar para las elecciones del 2020! Regístrate ahora para escribir 10 postales a votantes que no siempre han votado en el día de las elecciones en el...
linda's picture

¡Ayuda a que más madres voten este noviembre!

July 21, 2020
¡Estamos haciendo que sea súper fácil (y totalmente GRATIS) que participes en nuestro poderoso esfuerzo de ayudar a otras mujeres y madres a salir a votar para las elecciones del 2020! Regístrate ahora para escribir 10 postales a votantes que no siempre han votado en el día de las elecciones en el...
linda's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of postcards and a black pen.]

Can we send you 10 GOTV postcards to fill out?

July 16, 2020
The 2020 presidential election on Tuesday, November 3rd is just a few months away! So many things feel uncertain and uneasy right now, but one thing that feels very certain is the urgent need for everyone to vote in 2020. You, me, and all of our neighbors, near and far. *Here’s the good news:...
Sara Alcid's picture

Review the Week: 4 Can't Miss Posts [July 10, 2020]

July 9, 2020
ICYMI: Protecting children was a top priority for the MomsRising community this past week. Together we raised our voices, shared our stories and rose to defend ALL moms, children and families. Check out these 4 posts that you liked, shared or might have missed for the week ending July 10, 2020...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
