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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of the state of New Hampshire.]

New Hampshire! Your Voting Information and Deadlines

October 15, 2020
The 2020 General Election is going to be an important one and we are doing our part to share as much relevant information to help you with early voting. The process to request an early ballot may be a multi-step process depending on your state’s requirements. Stick with it and exercise your right to vote.
Lucrecer Braxton's picture
5 Election Love Languages graphic

Review the Week: #BlockBarret, Love Languages, Fire & Fear [Oct. 9, 2020]

October 9, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community is craving love, kindness, freedom from fear, and RELIEF. Together, we have the power to make all of these possible...for so many more Americans. In that spirit, check out these MomsVote posts that you loved, liked, shared or might have missed for the week ending Oct...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Planning to Vote by Mail in North Carolina?

October 8, 2020
There’s no wrong way to vote this year, in-person during early voting, in-person on Election Day, or voting by mail. If you are planning to vote by mail in North Carolina, please follow these steps to make sure your vote gets counted! Request and return your ballot ASAP Seal the ballot within the...
Jessica Burroughs's picture

¿Vas a votar por correo en Carolina del Norte?

October 5, 2020
No hay una mala forma de votar este año, votar temprano en persona, votar en persona el Día de las Elecciones o votar por correo. Si vas a votar por correo en Carolina del Norte, ¡por favor sigue estos pasos para asegurar que tu voto cuente!  Solicita y envía tu papeleta lo más pronto posible ...
Sheila Arias's picture
Monifa Bandele Facebook Live Health Care Voters

Review the Week: Voting, Texting Congress, and Protecting Health Care [Oct. 2, 2020]

October 2, 2020
ICYMI: Voting is top of mind for our members this week -- the election is 32 DAYS AWAY! Check out these MomsVote posts, plus other opportunties to ignite democracy and make the world a better place for moms and families, that you loved, liked, shared or might have missed for the week ending Oct. 2...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: October 2, 2020

October 2, 2020
What a week, friends. We hope you'll have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. We know this fall will continue to be a doozy, and it's always a good time for self-care. We're going to kick off this list of top-priority actions by once again inviting you to slow down for just a moment,...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

Votar es nuestra responsabilidad como padres

October 1, 2020
Caminando entre un mar de personas hacia el salón, sentí que una muy esperada meta se estaba materializando. El hecho de que en nueve meses iba a poder votar estaba dando vueltas en mi cabeza. Era el mes de febrero de 2012. Había vivido en este país desde 1979 cuando vine de Colombia a los siete...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Voting is a Parenting Responsibility

September 29, 2020
Walking in a sea of people towards the ballroom, I felt the weight of a long-sought goal coming to fruition. My brain spun on the fact that nine months later, I would be able to vote. It was February of 2012. I had lived in this country since 1979 when I came from Colombia as a seven-year-old girl...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Descarga tu Lotería Edición Elecciones 2020

September 25, 2020
En honor a unos de los juegos más representativos de México hemos lanzado La Lotería: Edición Elecciones 2020 para enseñar a los más pequeños de la casa sobre las votaciones presidenciales. Este juego de Lotería está compuesto de cartas y 3 tarjetones para cada jugador. Cada carta ilustra un...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

5 formas de ayudar a promover el voto

September 24, 2020
Estamos en #ElectionSeason, muchos estados ya han dado inicio al periodo de votación temprana –y necesitamos de la ayuda de todos para ayudar a promover el voto desde hoy hasta el 3 de noviembre. Estas son las 5 formas principales en las que puedes ayudar a promover el voto ahora: 1- Haz tu propio...
linda's picture
