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FROM THE INBOX: Postcard Pics Show A Tidal Wave of Civic Pride and Joy

October 29, 2020
I've worn a lot of different hats for MomsRising -- fundraiser, blogger, donor communications. This fall, I put on a new one -- answering emails from our voter postcard volunteers. By all measures, the MomsRising voter postcard program SMASHED records for volunteers, the number of postcards pledged...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

¡Estamos en la temporada electoral #ElectionSeason! ¡Todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer un plan para votar y MÁS!

October 25, 2020
No hay tiempo que perder. Estamos en #ElectionSeason y en algunos estados ya están votando temprano –y estamos aquí para ayudarte a votar, incluyendo ayudarte a hacer un plan para votar. Desde ahora hasta el 3 de noviembre es #ElectionSeason, así que no hay tiempo que perder. → Sigue estos tres...
linda's picture

Te invitamos a unirte a nuestros grupos de WhatsApp para madres

October 24, 2020
WhatsApp es una herramienta invaluable para llegar a los latinos y compartir materiales educativos que informan nuestras decisiones de voto. Este vínculo tecnológico directo con un bloque de votantes tan desatendido permite a los activistas y organizadores comunitarios hablar, ya sea en grupos o...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Instagram Image: Beth Messersmith Shares Her Voting Story

Review the Week: Vote, Vote, Vote [Oct. 23, 2020]

October 23, 2020
ICYMI: It's less than two weeks until Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, and moms are RISING and VOTING in unprecedented numbers. Check out these fun election day posts that you loved, or might have missed, for the week ending Oct. 23, 2020. 1. INSTAGRAM: What's Your Voting Plan? Moms are making plans...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

I've Got My NH Voting Plan! How About You?

October 23, 2020
Unless you’ve been really good at avoiding all media, you know that election day is approaching at a rapid speed. November 3rd is how many days away now?!? Are you registered?!? Check your status here : No worries if you are not. You have time to request...
Marcella Termini's picture

Driven by Hope and Determination, Moms are Energized to Get Out The Vote!

October 20, 2020
Moms are a mighty force this election season. Through MomsRising’s Beacons of Hope program, moms-- and those who love moms!-- are engaging in massive nonpartisan voter engagement efforts targeting moms. Each of these 265 volunteers, or “Beacons of Hope Volunteer Fellow,” is assigned a list of 400-...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a woman wearing a red flower in her chin length wavy brown hair, looking at the camera and holding up her get-out-the-vote postcards.]

Check out my voting plan, then make yours too!

October 18, 2020
Voting is our civic duty- one of our most sacred roles as Americans - and for this upcoming election it feels as complicated and confusing as getting out of a corn-maze. In the midst of a global pandemic we need to be mindful that going to vote in person can be dangerous to ourselves or others if...
Marcella Termini's picture

Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre votar por correo en Pensilvania

October 17, 2020
¡Votar por correo es seguro y fácil! ¡Cualquier votante de PA elegible puede votar por correo este año! Solicite su boleta antes de la fecha límite del 27 de octubre (¡mucho antes si puede!) en este enlace: Siga el recorrido de su boleta aquí...
Karen Showalter's picture
Indigenous People's Day Graphic

Review the Week: Rest in Power, Monica...and VOTE [Oct. 16, 2020]

October 16, 2020
ICYMI: We mourned, we honored, we lifted up the work of one of our nation's foremost TLGBQ+ leaders, Monica Roberts. On Monday, we joined communities across the country to spotlight Indigenous peoples. And in record-shattering numbers, we are VOTING for a brighter, more just future. With 17 days...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Washington State: It's time to get out the VOTE!

October 15, 2020
Read, set, VOTE! Washington State's voting period starts October 16th. This election, it is *absolutely* critical that we are taking the time to vote AND making sure our family, friends, and neighbors do the same! This election year, pledge to use your vote to make your voice heard and help others...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
