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Together, we can make Washington the next state to pass paid family and medical leave! Will you join us?

December 16, 2016
We're building MOMentum in Washington on paid family and medical leave -- and we need YOU! Click here to RSVP to join our "Mom-In" in Olympia on January 10th to launch the 2017 campaign for paid family leave! What’s a “Mom In"!?! Well, it’s when moms, and anyone who has ever had a mom, come...
Maggie Humphreys's picture

It's time for the #FAMILYAct!

December 12, 2016
Today, December 12th, is the anniversary of the introduction of the FAMILY Act (a paid family leave insurance program). This is an important anniversary to mark because right now only 13% of U.S. workers--and only 5% of low-wage workers--have access to paid leave. We need better workplace policies...
Tina Sherman's picture

Breastfeeding is a human right

December 9, 2016
December 10 is Human Rights Day . And right before the Human Rights Day this year, I received an e-mail from a mother, upset that her employer doesn’t support breastfeeding and that her supervisor told her “Not only breastfeeding moms are good moms, formula is as good.” I was saddened. I am sad...
To-wen Tseng's picture

FDA Oversight of Formula Marketing

November 18, 2016
Even though doctors say that breastfeeding is best, not everyone can breastfeed for a variety of important reasons. The option of giving a baby formula should be safe, but often times the claims that formula companies make can be confusing or even downright misleading. With DHA or without? Will one...
Tina Sherman's picture

Protect mothers' rights to breastfeed!

October 18, 2016
No mother should ever be shamed, humiliated, or harassed while breastfeeding her baby! Unfortunately, recently, two mothers were asked to stop breastfeeding their babies in North Carolina courtrooms; one by a judge , one by a law enforcement officer . Breastfeeding in public, and that includes...
Tina Sherman's picture

Breastfeeding: It’s Not Easy, But So Worth It #BlackBFJoy

August 31, 2016
So August is National Breastfeeding Month, a time to celebrate to joys and challenges of Breastfeeding. When I was pregnant with my first child and was presented with the question of nursing or formula, I immediately decided that breastfeeding would be best. So I went out and bought books, a manual...
Tameka Downing's picture

More Than Just Talking Equity: Why Black Breastfeeding Week is Central to Achieving Equity #BlackBFJoy

August 31, 2016
Lately there’s been a lot of talk in the public health and breastfeeding circles about equity. And rightly so. The scope and depth of racial disparities across various health indicators and in breastfeeding—life’s earliest health intervention—cannot be ignored. Yet every year, many in these same...
Kimberly Seals Allers's picture

Cutting the Fool and Pumping Under a Tree #BlackBFJoy

August 30, 2016
Breastfeeding, like marriage and childbirth, is not for the faint of heart. After suffering a miscarriage, we were blessed in the fact that we were able to conceive relatively quickly once my husband and I began trying again. I was so thankful that God gave us a second chance to bring a life into...
Chandra Waters's picture

Live. Love. Nurse. #BlackBFJoy

August 29, 2016
Breastfeeding was something that I knew I wanted to do since I was a little girl. I remember Mami nursing my baby sister (we're 19 months apart). Her cocoa skin was radiant and beautiful. Her afro was EVERAAAAAYTHAAANG! Mere mortals couldn't dare compare to her. Thank you for being my inspiration...
Keka Araujo's picture

Representation Matters: Why I'll Show Mom-to-Be My Imperfect Boobs #BBW16

August 26, 2016
“Right here?” I stuttered. “Yeah. Why not?” To my left, my father-in-law was enjoying a plate of scrambled eggs. To my right, my husband was cutting up a waffle for my daughter. I looked down at my 4-day old baby boy. I smoothed my thumb over his tiny fisted hand and took a deep breath. In front of...
Brittany Minor's picture
