I am a stay at home mom of 3 and angel mom of 1. I spend my days baking, reading, singing and dancing; sometimes at the same time. I also chauffer my kids to various places, and wouldn’t change a thing. I enjoy hanging with my family and playing board games and watching movies.
Blog Post List

August 31, 2016
So August is National Breastfeeding Month, a time to celebrate to joys and challenges of Breastfeeding. When I was pregnant with my first child and was presented with the question of nursing or formula, I immediately decided that breastfeeding would be best. So I went out and bought books, a manual pump, and did all my research so I would be ready when my baby came. I thought it would be so easy, but it wasn’t. When I first tried to nurse my son, my first thought was, “wow this hurts.” Luckily, there was a lactation consultant who showed me some techniques to make it easier. Once we were home...