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MomsRising Near You

The Wage Gap: Short-Changing Women and Families

April 4, 2016
Lucy and Twins Photo.jpg Let's fast forward to the year 2059. My 11-year old daughter Lucy will be 55, and my two-year old twins, Cecilia and Eleanor, will turn 45. It's fun to contemplate all that they might achieve over the next four decades. It's not so fun to think about the fact that it will...
Mary Kay Devine's picture

Meet Pennsylvania State Moms Force Volunteer Ray!

March 21, 2016
DYK MomsRising is on the ground in Pennsylvania? It's no exaggeration to say there is much to do. But parents know better than anyone: a little patience and a lot of perseverance can go a long, long way. Check out this inspiring profile of Ray, one of our fabulous Pennsylvania State Moms Force...
Karen Showalter's picture

Taking my boy on the STUMP in NH #FITN

February 9, 2016
Yesterday I decided to declare my own "Take Your Child to Work" Day! It was the last day before the New Hampshire primary and nearly every candidate was within a 30 mile radius of our house, so we decided to take in the election up close and personal. While NH gets a lot of attention every four...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

Let's Make 2016 a MOMentous Year for Pennsylvania Families

February 9, 2016
MomsRising's Pennsylvania State Moms Force brought our voices to Harrisburg in January, reminding legislators that moms, dads and families around the state are counting on them to champion policies that boost our families and our economy including: Access to healthy food Affordable, high-quality...
Karen Showalter's picture

5 more days - #NH posting from #FITN central

February 4, 2016
Only 5 more days! New Hampshire is crazier than ever. I thought that we would get some clarity after the Iowa Caucuses, but if anything the path ahead is only murkier. With so few days and remaining I wish I could offer a great nugget of wisdom or some sharp insight into what Granite Staters will...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

Moms Meetups coming your way in 2016!

January 6, 2016
It’s the New Year and we've got a new experiment we'd like to do with you (yes, you!). We've had a ton of requests recently to have a way for our members to gather together in-person, offline, in a regular way to talk about important current topics and hang out with other cool, secret superhero...
Nina Perez's picture

Because It’s 2015, I Demand More

November 9, 2015
Because it’s 2015, I can’t see these pictures and not act. Because it’s 2015, you can’t sit by anymore either. Because it’s 2015, we can’t let ourselves say “but I like being the #2.” The powerful images put out by Elle UK were all too familiar. They featured some of the most recognizable global...
Erin Vilardi's picture

PA Moms: Be Heard Tomorrow -> VOTE!

November 2, 2015
Tomorrow is Election Day in Pennsylvania! Have you made your plan to vote? It's really important for moms and dads like us to make our voices heard. We all lead busy lives, and squeezing in a few minutes to make it to the polls isn't always easy. Today's a great time to think about setting the...
Karen Showalter's picture

What scares me more than Halloween night...

October 30, 2015
Halloween is a big deal in our house. We hang ghosts in our trees, tell spooky stories, and have fun making scary costumes. Know what scares me even more than Halloween? Letting other people make big decisions with long-term impacts that affect my family. That's no treat. Next Tuesday is election...
Karen Showalter's picture

State Moms Force Is In Florida!

September 29, 2015
Did you hear the news? MomsRising is on the ground here in Florida! I couldn’t be more excited to be working on issues that affect everyone in our country AND local issues that are near and dear to my heart. We have so many opportunities to use our “outside voices” in service to making Florida a...
Sili Recio's picture
