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MomsRising Near You

#ProtectOurCare Meet Claire in Colorado

March 22, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Robin in Alaska

March 22, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Nancy in Maine

March 22, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Regan in North Carolina

March 21, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

#ProtectOurCare Meet Amy in Ohio

March 21, 2017
Quality, affordable healthcare coverage is incredibly important to families in the U.S. MomsRising has recieved thousands of messages from our volunteers with stories about why the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare matter for the health of their families. This #...
Abbie Gately's picture

Creating a culture of community in the workplace

March 20, 2017
Most of us spend a great deal of time at work - with our colleagues, doing our job. This can be a wonderful thing or a true challenge. When we feel valued, work can be an amazing thing – you feel part of something, appreciated and engaged. This is something every company should strive for, but how...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

#5Actions just for YOU!

March 20, 2017
Happy Monday ! It’s time to roll up your sleeves for our Top #5Actions of the week (See below). You can do all five of the actions on one day, or spread them out across the week, your choice. The important thing is not when you do them, but IF you do them. And if you do them, your actions will add...
MomsRising's picture

Music and Activism - #KeepMarching!

March 15, 2017
Some days are just amazing – and last week I had one of those days. I was able to attend an awesome concert and facilitate an amazing discussion with a fabulous group of people in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts at an awesome event organized by pianist Sarah Bob and her emerging Nasty Cooperative. The...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

SNAP is under attack

March 15, 2017
I am angry! Food security is under attack in New Hampshire. For many New Hampshire working families, paychecks don't cover the full cost of living – daycare, rent, and utilities alone can easily add up to more than what a parent brings home. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits, or...
JennyFoster's picture

TONIGHT! #KeepMarching - MomsRising Telephone Town Hall on Advocacy and Organizing

February 21, 2017
After the Women’s March, women, mothers and others across the country vowed to #KeepMarching. And members like you are in fact still marching in many ways—by paying attention, speaking out and showing up, online AND on the ground. MomsRising sees our members joining together by the thousands,...
Kristin's picture
