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MomsRising Near You

7 reasons I practice self-care

May 4, 2015
I was recently at a dinner party and found myself in a corner with a heart surgeon discussing the concept of self-care. Like many in healthcare, she saw self-care as something you “should do” for your physical health (exercise, eat well, get enough sleep), but that’s where it ends. She became...
Renee Trudeau's picture

Join MomsRising in Ann Arbor for a Fun Meet-Up!

May 1, 2015
Join MomsRising in Ann Arbor on May 16th for a fun, kid-friendly meet-up where we will be talking local foods and healthy snacks. Everyone gets a popsicle mold and recipes! Bring your kids, bring a friend, and come hang out with us.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Win my 2015 Year of Self-Care Mother’s Day Giveaway!

April 14, 2015
This Mother’s Day win our 2015 Year of Self-Care Mother’s Day Giveaway and enjoy nurturing relaxation, nourishment, empowering coaching, inspiration, plus tools/resources/Renee's favorite self-renewal products and services for an entire year! The $1,850 Year of Self-Care Mother’s Day Giveaway for...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Moms Gather in Florida

Moms Gather In Florida

March 9, 2015
I will always equate Amaya Papaya with birth and celebration. Yolonda, the creator and Chief Executive Mami of Amaya Papaya opened her doors in 2009. I'd known her as a counselor when I volunteered to lead her girls in a reading group. That same year, I found myself in a childbirth class that met...
Sili Recio's picture

Celebrate Women's History Month: Take care of yourself

March 3, 2015
A smile spread across Amy’s face as she strolled out of her doctor‘s office with a clean bill of health yesterday. The sun was shining, and tulips were blooming, as her thoughts turned to planting her first crops of the season. “I love growing wholesome berries and vegetables, “ Amy beams. She and...
Roberta Riley's picture

Your First Four Years in Pennsylvania Can Change Lives

January 20, 2015
I have spent the past year visiting and advocating for high quality pre-k classrooms in Pennsylvania. In the Fall as election day neared, I would ask the children what they thought it meant to be a "Governor of Pennsylvania". The conversations were so engaging I kept using the question as a conversation starter well after election day was over!
Mary E. Mannix's picture

Make storybook Christmas ornaments in 3 easy steps!

December 18, 2014
My favorite Christmas memory is from one of the toughest years of my adult life. When my husband and I moved into our apartment together, our first winter living away from home was the hardest. We were in a new city with no family or friends in the area, we rarely saw each other because he went to...
Nina Perez's picture

Give the best present of all: peace of mind

December 16, 2014
Find out if your family qualifies for free or low-cost health insurance. If you live in the Seattle area, Tune into Chat with Women 1150 AM KKNW at 8 AM, Thursday, December 18 to get the scoop as I explain the basics of what our new health law means for Washington families. Then sign up.
Roberta Riley's picture

Lo Que Las Nalgadas Le Pueden Estar Enseñando a los Niños

October 5, 2014
El dar nalgadas es un tema que puede dividir una reunión en la mitad en cuestión de segundos. Por esta razón he sido prudente, reflexiva, y paciente acerca de cuándo abordarlo. Durante este mes pasado vi en CNN como varios expertos hablaron de Adrian Peterson el corredor de los Vikingos de...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Saving Baby: Learn How to Safely Navigate The Healthcare System

October 1, 2014
When we hear that some one is expecting a baby, we wait for the next big announcement: girl or boy. Sadly for one of every four babies the next announcement is about a death from miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. (World Health Organization 2013) WAIT - PLEASE! Do not turn away. We can...
Mary E. Mannix's picture
