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DREAMers: Mothers look forward to your success with the Deferred Action process, and we urge caution when applying !

August 10, 2012
While we continue the momentum towards passage of the DREAM Act, mothers across the country are standing in support of the 1.76 million immigrant youth who will be able, starting August 15, 2012, to seek a form of administrative relief from deportation. This first step in the long-awaited...
Mary O's picture

When Immigration Enforcement Equals Inhumane Enforcement

July 20, 2012
Cross-Posted at America's Voice: I'd like to believe that most Americans, perhaps with the exception of the hard-core nativists, like Rep. Steve King and Romney advisor Kris Kobach, knows our nation’s immigration policies need to be fixed. But behind these failed policies are real human beings:...
Lynn Tramonte's picture

#ImHere For Immigrant Women. Are You?

July 12, 2012
For millions of immigrants, here — the U.S. — is home. But for many immigrant women, home is not safe. The last few years have brought a steady decline in the human rights of all immigrants to the United States. Our broken immigration system and cruel anti-immigrant laws have had particular impact...
Mallika Dutt's picture

Pop Quiz: Pick Out the Immigrant

July 10, 2012
Editor's Note: For live coverage of this speech, please see this C-Span clip . This week the U.S. Supreme Court declared the immigration policy of the state of Arizona, a policy that Mitt Romney has called a “model for America,” to be largely unconstitutional. I applaud the court for stating that...
Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez's picture

What the Supreme Court Ruling On SB 1070 Means For Children and Families

July 9, 2012
In April 2010, Arizona passed SB 1070, the first state law aimed at enforcing immigration laws in an effort to reduce the undocumented immigrant population. A federal district court enjoined the law one day before its implementation, and a final appeal reached the U.S. Supreme Court. Since the...
Wendy Cervantes's picture

Racial Profiling of Immigrants Has Consequences For All Communities

July 6, 2012
As a fellow for New America Media , the country’s largest collaboration and advocate for 2,000 ethnic news media outlets, I was tasked with finding an immigrant woman to interview for a story. Oh boy. As I began searching, I was shocked to hear from so many documented immigrant women who were...
Elisa Batista's picture

Shackled and Detained: A Pregnant Woman's Story

May 24, 2012
Juana was nine months pregnant and driving home from a prenatal checkup when she saw the flash of police lights behind her. Without explanation, she was pulled over and asked to show her driver’s license. Juana gave the officer her consular ID and car’s registration. Still without explanation, or...
Mallika Dutt's picture

To Rep. Sandy Adams: Victims of Domestic Violence Deserve Better Than Your VAWA Bill

May 24, 2012
Cross-Posted at America's Voice and Daily Kos : It’s painful to watch. Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL), a victim of domestic violence, has let herself become the spokesperson for the grievously flawed and dangerous Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed by House Republicans. But asserting that “VAWA must...
Lynn Tramonte's picture

Latinas in the White House and Beyond

May 21, 2012
In a few hours I will be joining a cohort of my hermanas, Latina bloggers at a meeting at the White House. Some of these women I have had the honor and priviledge to know and work with for years. A few I am even working with at present on the deployment of the Latino Voice survey to make sure the...
Kety Esquivel's picture

On Violence Against Women Act, GOP Works with Mail Order Bride Industry Against Immigrants

May 18, 2012
Cross-Posted at America's Voice : “Russian Women are no longer the best kept secret of the cold war” notes the website of Encounters International , the mail-order bride company that is lobbying hard for the passage of the scary Republican version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) -- the...
Lynn Tramonte's picture
