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Families & The Federal Budget

What's in Build Back Better (BBB) for Families? MomsRising Staff Explains

December 17, 2021
Every provision of the Build Back Better agenda is supported by at least two in three Americans. This is why it's important to spread the word far and wide about what is in this proposed legislation and what it would mean for families.
Felicia Burnett's picture

NEW sticky note deadline is December 24

December 16, 2021
More than 2,000 moms and family members across the country have already signed up to do this action, and we are extending the deadline to December 24 timed to the state of play in Congress. Our wave of sticky notes from moms, caregivers, and family members on Senate office doors across the country needs to keep growing over the next critical week to help keep this legislation moving!
MomsRising's picture
Black and white image shows 2 feet on the ground with 2 arrow in front of them pointing in different directions.

Heat or Medical Care?

December 16, 2021
Millions of people enroll in Medicaid every year, but roughly one million are removed because of complex enrollment rules or administrative mix-ups. Research shows that eliminating Medicaid churn would lead to 585,000 more children getting at least one routine checkup, and 174,000 children getting the specialty care they need each year.
Jennifer Babcock's picture

Hey Congress -- Don't take away our monthly CTC payments, Pass BBB Today!

December 15, 2021
December 15th will be the LAST monthly Child Tax Credit check for families if the U.S. Senate doesn’t act by the end of the year! It’s time to tell the U.S. Senate to vote yes and pass the Build Back Better Act and save the Child Tax Credit that helps children and families thrive!
MomsRising's picture
We Are MomsRising

I Met With Chairwoman Cecilia Rouse to Talk About Paid Leave

December 13, 2021
It was exhausting to care for my grandkids and my mom at the same time. Because our country doesn’t have a care infrastructure, everything has fallen on my shoulders. Right now, I’m juggling providing afterschool care with making sure my mother-in-law, who lives in an assisted living facility, is well taken care of and has everything she needs. There’s no way I can return to the workforce.
MomsRising's picture
Woman at a rain covered window with her hand in front of her face.

Moms are exhausted. Burnout is real. It is time to Build Back Better!

December 10, 2021
Moms are exhausted. Burnout is real. The pandemic's effect on maternal mental health is staggering. We must – and we can – put into place public policies to support families and ease the stress and anxieties mothers are facing.
MomsRising's picture
Black and white image of the back of child and people walking by next to a sign that reads "Women Demand Day Care"

Let's End 50 Years Without Child Care

December 10, 2021
Did you know that we could have had a fair and just universal child care system 50 years ago? That’s right (and infuriating!). It was 50 years ago today when Republican President Richard Nixon vetoed the Comprehensive Child Development Act, a bill that would have implemented a multibillion-dollar...
MomsRising's picture
We Are MomsRising
Woman standing next to person dressed as the Build Back Better Bill

I Shared My Story at the Grandmas Unite Rally.

December 9, 2021
The monthly Child Tax Credit payments have been a huge relief. We’ve finally been able to get out of the vicious cycle of struggling to choose between food, medicine and bills. I was even able to buy a used vehicle so we could access resources and I could look for jobs.
Mary Beth Cochran's picture
A woman lovingly holds a little boy

Ayúdanos A Lograr Una Victoria De Cuidado Infantil

December 8, 2021
El paquete bipartidista Build Back Better ya fue aprobado en la Cámara de Representantes, ¡lo que es una muy buena noticia! Sin embargo, Build Back Better ahora va al Senado … es por eso que debemos continuar la presión -- Necesitamos TU AYUDA y tus acciones son esenciales para decirle al Congreso...
Mamas Con Poder's picture
Elderly woman in a wheelchair wagging her finger with the text "Everyone Deserves Care Grandmas Unite"

RSVP to Support Grandmothers Fighting for Build Back Better!

December 8, 2021
Grandmothers have been stepping up in a big way to fill in gaps in care for grandkids and other members of the family during the pandemic. They know first hand how the policies in the Build Back Better Act will help their families, businesses, and the economy. That’s why, this Thursday, December 9, at 12 noon, grandmothers will be heading to the U.S. Capitol to take the lead in urging Congress to vote YES on the Build Back Better Act.
MomsRising's picture
