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#5Actions for Week of July 3! #KeepMarching

July 6, 2017
Nothing says summer more than long days, sunshine, and taking action on "hot" issues that really matter to moms and families! And we're here to help. Below please find this week's list of top-priority actions, sure to make you "cool" this week. (We're being a little playful; after all, it's summer...
Karen Showalter's picture

RSVP for MomsRising superhero event on Capitol Hill in D.C.—June 21st!

June 16, 2017
We are sounding the alarm! We need your mom superhero powers—stat! A storm is brewing on Capitol Hill and we need to stand up for Medicaid and SNAP! It’s clear that many of our leaders are unaware of how many families turn to these programs to keep their families afloat. We want YOU (and your...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Let's Celebrate #SummerMeals at #FoodFri!

June 16, 2017
The summer season has started. Children are excited to be out and about, enjoying friends and sunshine. Yet, for some children summer is not a happy time. For some children, summer brings hunger. During the school year children are offered two meals a day: breakfast and lunch. They may also receive...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Healthy Eating during Cancer Treatment and Survivorship: Simple, Wholesome, Easy Chard Recipe

June 12, 2017
Cancer patients are recommended to follow the same healthy diet as the general public. The emphasis should be on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and lean proteins. But side effects of treatment can make this difficult, and cooking a meal can seem daunting when...
Ann Ogden Gaffney's picture

#5Actions for Week of June 12!

June 12, 2017
Happy Monday! We have some emergency actions for you this week, including a special one to protect healthcare by demanding transparency from the Republicans in the U.S. Senate on what’s they’re actually proposing with healthcare. The clock is ticking. Rumor is that they may try to pass a very bad...
Karen Showalter's picture

#5Actions To Fight For Our Democracy! Week of June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017
Happy Monday! We're back with five new and important actions for this week, from protecting the Women's Bureau, to demanding equal pay, to organizing a fun meet up in your community. You are powerful! Take all 5 actions at once, or do one a day. Your choice. What matters most is that you continue...
Karen Showalter's picture

Fue como estar en una película de terror, pero real

June 2, 2017
“Siempre he estado consiente de lo peligroso que los pesticidas pueden ser…pero nunca pensé que algún día tendría que ir a la sala de emergencia a causa de eso”. - Aylin, trabajadora de la col (repollo). Esto fue lo que le sucedió a Aylin de 19 años de edad, y a más de 50 trabajadores de la col,...
Jocelyn Sherman's picture

It was like being in a real-life horror movie

June 2, 2017
“ I have always known how dangerous pesticides can be...But I never thought I would one day have to go to the emergency room because of them.” - Aylin, cabbage worker This is what happened to 19-year old Aylin and 50+ other cabbage workers as they labored at a Bakersfield, CA farm on Cinco de Mayo...
Jocelyn Sherman's picture

Trump’s Budget Cuts Will Harm Young Children and Families

June 2, 2017
At 1,000 Days, we believe that children are the foundation of a country’s greatness . When young children thrive, so do nations. It is why we are deeply concerned by the Trump Administration’s proposal to slash funding for basic nutrition, health and anti-poverty programs that give children here in...
Lucy Sullivan's picture
Take action!

Tell Trump and Congress: Don't Play Politics With Our Kids' Health!

May 30, 2017
"Don't play with our kids." Michelle Obama's statement - in response to US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue's declaration he will roll back or delay key elements of the healthy school meal standards - pretty much sums it up. Healthy food for kids isn't a game. It isn’t a partisan or a...
Karen Showalter's picture
