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Looking for tips on how to eat more fruits & veggies? Join the #FoodFri Plant-Based Diet Chat!

July 28, 2017
This week @MomsRising has an exciting (and tasty!) #FoodFri tweetchat. Joined by CSPI and others, we will share resources and answer questions about plant-based diets, and provide tips on how to eat more fruits, vegetables, and beans. A plant-based diet consists of foods from plants, including...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

First look: Dolores, a Riveting New Documentary about Labor Activist Dolores Huerta

July 28, 2017
MomRising is thrilled to share an exclusive look at the poster for Dolores , a new documentary film about the legendary, and tireless, Dolores Huerta. Directed by Peter Bratt (Follow Me Home, La Mision) and executive produced by Carlos Santana, Dolores opens in select cities across the country in...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Mamás Con Poder Estuvo en el PrideFest de NYC 2017

July 24, 2017
¡Hola queridas lectoras y madres de Mamás con Poder! Mi nombre es Romina Tibytt. Soy mamá latina de 3 hermosos niños. Dos varones de 15 y 12 y la princesa de 9 años. Durante el fin de semana del PrideFest en la ciudad de Nueva York, tuve la oportunidad de colaborar con Mamás con Poder para informar...
Romina Tibytt's picture

New York: We Want Healthier Kids’ Menus!

July 21, 2017
At MomsRising we believe we all have a role in supporting healthy kids. We work with parents across the country and often counsel families on the importance of making healthy choices. Many parents tell us about their struggles of trying to provide healthy food and drinks for their kids and the...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Take Action for Net Neutrality!

July 12, 2017
An open internet is essential to protecting freedoms we hold dear: our ability to innovate, speak our mind, connect, and hear diverse voices and opinions. All of that is at risk. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to roll back 2015 rules that require internet service providers (ISPs...
Karen Showalter's picture

#5Actions for Week of July 3! #KeepMarching

July 6, 2017
Nothing says summer more than long days, sunshine, and taking action on "hot" issues that really matter to moms and families! And we're here to help. Below please find this week's list of top-priority actions, sure to make you "cool" this week. (We're being a little playful; after all, it's summer...
Karen Showalter's picture

RSVP for MomsRising superhero event on Capitol Hill in D.C.—June 21st!

June 16, 2017
We are sounding the alarm! We need your mom superhero powers—stat! A storm is brewing on Capitol Hill and we need to stand up for Medicaid and SNAP! It’s clear that many of our leaders are unaware of how many families turn to these programs to keep their families afloat. We want YOU (and your...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Let's Celebrate #SummerMeals at #FoodFri!

June 16, 2017
The summer season has started. Children are excited to be out and about, enjoying friends and sunshine. Yet, for some children summer is not a happy time. For some children, summer brings hunger. During the school year children are offered two meals a day: breakfast and lunch. They may also receive...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Healthy Eating during Cancer Treatment and Survivorship: Simple, Wholesome, Easy Chard Recipe

June 12, 2017
Cancer patients are recommended to follow the same healthy diet as the general public. The emphasis should be on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and lean proteins. But side effects of treatment can make this difficult, and cooking a meal can seem daunting when...
Ann Ogden Gaffney's picture

#5Actions for Week of June 12!

June 12, 2017
Happy Monday! We have some emergency actions for you this week, including a special one to protect healthcare by demanding transparency from the Republicans in the U.S. Senate on what’s they’re actually proposing with healthcare. The clock is ticking. Rumor is that they may try to pass a very bad...
Karen Showalter's picture
