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What?!! Another Possible Delay on Menu-Labeling?

April 28, 2017
Are we really surprised? The federal rule that would make it mandatory for restaurant, supermarket and convenience store chains to post calorie counts on their menus may be delayed yet again just days before taking effect on May 5, 2017. This process has pushed on for seven years now... As a mother...
Kimberly Cooper's picture

Quick Action! Tell NC Senators to fully fund the Healthy Corner Store Initiative!

April 26, 2017
It’s simple—our families need access to healthy foods in order to be healthy. Right now, more than 2 million people in North Carolina don't have access to healthy foods and our state ranks amongst the highest in the nation for household food-insecurity. Last year, the North Carolina General...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Spread the Word: Join the #FoodFri Menu Labeling Tweetchat!

April 26, 2017
BREAKING: The FDA has delayed menu labeling. Join the chat to learn more! Americans consume, on average, one-third of their calories from eating out. Studies show that providing nutrition information at restaurants can help customers make lower-calorie choices, and a national poll found that 80...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Am I Greater than Christ That I Can Decide Who is More Deserving of Help?

April 26, 2017
I came to Christ late in life. Drawn to him out of necessity, but committed because of love. His love. It changed my life. He changed my life. I now try to live as He commanded. I don't always succeed. Some days, I will admit, when I focus on the world, I lose sight of Him and His precepts. But He...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Our Personal Information is NOT for Sale!

April 13, 2017
New underwear. Addiction services. Study tips. Relationship advice. What’s the last thing you searched for online? Soon the highest bidder will be able to buy that information, and more. Congress has just voted to eliminate privacy protections for Internet Service Provider (ISP) customers,...
Karen Showalter's picture

Nutrition Ups and Downs

April 10, 2017
Written by Kristi King, clinical dietitian at Texas Children’s Hospital. Your child’s nutrition journey can have many ups and downs. Every day myself and the other registered dietitians at Texas Children’s Hospital are questioned by patient families about how to best handle some of these hurdles...
Texas Children’s Hospital's picture

Three Common Myths about SNAP

April 5, 2017
Attacks on SNAP – the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, our nation’s frontline defense against hunger – are often couched in terms that play upon pervasive myths about SNAP and the people in our nation who struggle with hunger. Let’s take a moment to identify and understand the truth...
Abby Leibman's picture

Creating Healthy Communities!

April 5, 2017
We are raising awareness this week on strategies that can help build #HealthyCommunities! Healthy communities are essential to the physical and psychological development of all children. Studies show children who attend schools that integrate nutrition and physical activity have an academic and...
Diarra Diouf's picture

#MilitaryMon: Is Commissary Shopping the Best Way to Eat Healthy?

April 3, 2017
Tips on how to stay healthy while shopping at the commissary (or off base!).
Rebecca Alwine's picture

* New -> #5Actions to Start the Week!

April 3, 2017
Happy Monday! We hope you're enjoying these early days of spring. While the seasons change, our need to speak out, loudly and regularly, about the issues that matter remains. Without further ado, here are our top 5 actions of the week! You can do all five of the actions on one day, or spread them...
Karen Showalter's picture
