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Easy, Healthy Holiday Side Dish: Brussels Sprouts with Grapes & Walnuts

November 22, 2016
Side dishes don't often get the the attention they deserve during the holidays. Personally, I love side dishes and often eat them as stand alone dishes (I'm weird like that!). What I love most is how easy they are to create and serve. And because they're pretty easy to make, you can easily pass...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Delicious Side Dishes for the Holidays

November 22, 2016
Looking for variety this holiday season? With sides, it's easier to experiment and introduce your family, and children, to new flavors. Presenting them during the festivities, will also encourage them to try something they ordinarily wouldn't eat because they see others eating them as well. That's...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

FDA Oversight of Formula Marketing

November 18, 2016
Even though doctors say that breastfeeding is best, not everyone can breastfeed for a variety of important reasons. The option of giving a baby formula should be safe, but often times the claims that formula companies make can be confusing or even downright misleading. With DHA or without? Will one...
Tina Sherman's picture

Let's Talk About How Faith Communities Can Strengthen Efforts to End Poverty! #FoodFri

November 11, 2016
In 2015, according to Feeding America, " 42.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 29.1 million adults and 13.1 million children. " Poverty contributes to hunger in America. Faith based and community organizations offer members and their communities resources to help...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Learn the Facts About Baby and Toddler Food and Drinks Nutrition and Its Marketing #FoodFri

November 3, 2016
From birth to age 2 children form healthy eating habits that can prevent childhood obesity. Expert health professionals have provided recommendations for feeding babies and toddlers, yet baby and toddler food and drink companies and their marketing messages do not always support these...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Baby and Toddler Foods and Drinks: How Can Moms Tell Which Are Healthiest?

November 1, 2016
What toddler isn’t a picky eater? One day she loves broccoli and the next, it’s all over the floor. It is downright hard to find food that your child will try, let alone eat. As mothers, I’m sure that most of us have been concerned at one point or another that our child is either eating nothing or...
Sally Mancini's picture

Good Food Force Update: Water, Healthy Halloween, Farm to School, more!

October 31, 2016
The school year is in full swing, the holidays are already upon us, and life is busy busy busy. Check out some handy tips, resources and inspiration around a healthy Halloween, schools and more! As always please read and share, and join us on the Facebook group to keep the conversation going. 1...
Karen Showalter's picture

#FoodFri: Sodas, Sugary Drinks and Healthy Beverages

October 28, 2016
Sugary drink companies spent roughly roughly $3.2 billion in marketing. That was ten years ago, since then that budget has grown. That's a lot of money spent trying to get consumers, like you and I, to buy sugary drinks. And, it's working. While we have seen some declines, in some areas, sodas and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Parents Speak Out About Importance of Water Quality and Access in Schools!

October 27, 2016
Parents are passionate about water quality and access in schools. The stories below are included in our latest Healthy Schools Storybook, which parents are delivering to schools across the country in 2016 and 2017. Download a complete and free version of the storybook here . Clean water is the most...
Karen Showalter's picture

Join us to stand up for the kids of Flint!

October 27, 2016
A promise has been made by elected leaders in Washington, D.C. to pass the funding for the Flint water crisis and to prevent future lead poisoning from happening in other communities by the end of the year. We need to make sure they keep that promise!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
