Sasha Stashwick is a Senior Advocate with NRDC. She focuses on a variety of issues, from securing carbon emissions policies for the bioenergy sector to curbing the misuse of antibiotics in livestock. Prior to joining NRDC, she was a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs and worked at the U.S. embassies in London and Paris. She holds a bachelor’s degree in foreign service from Georgetown University and a dual master’s in public administration from the London School of Economics and Sciences Po in Paris. She is based in New York City.
Blog Post List

January 22, 2018
Conventional farming of many fruits and vegetables often relies on toxic pesticides, like organophosphates, that leave harmful residues on food, drift into neighboring communities and poison farmworkers. Children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable because even low level exposure can threaten the development of the brain and nervous system. Within the family of organophosphates, chlorpyrifos is a commonly used product whose risk to the food supply has alarmed pediatricians and policymakers . girl-with-apple.jpg In contrast to conventional production, organically-grown produce is far...

September 22, 2017
As my colleague Miriam discussed here , chlorpyrifos is a highly toxic and commonly used agricultural pesticide that poses serious health risks for consumers , in particular children. The amount of chlorpyrifos residue consumed by one person in a day can add up quickly because many different fruits and vegetables contain these residues. Fruits that are big favorites for kids like apples, peaches, oranges, and strawberries are widely grown using chlorpyrifos ; residues are found even after washing and peeling (in the case of citrus fruit and melons). Last fall, U.S. EPA deemed chlorpyrifos to...