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Social & Emotional Development

Use Your Voice, Black Lives Matter

How to Talk About Police Brutality with Children

April 19, 2021
The unending and unjust police brutality towards Black lives has once again created a wave of devastating media content and rippling conversations families are once again forced to have. For Black families this has been a never ending conversation as police violence takes Black life, after Black...
Donna's picture
CRUEL & INHUMANE - The Death Penalty

Top 5 Justice Actions: Friday, February 19, 2021

February 18, 2021
As we all come down from our sweet sugar highs of another passing Valentine's Day we at MomsRising are uplifting sentiments of love as we continue to fight for moms, parents and families during these uncertain times. This week we are inviting MomsRising members across the country to join us in...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
Instagram Image of Black Girl Magic featuring women of Georgia

Review the Week: Caregivers, Kids and Black Girl Magic

February 5, 2021
ICYMI: Helping others find their voice...and their one of the beautiful super powers of the MomsRising community. This past week, members like you stood up for students, celebrating Black Women and lifted up the care providers who are holding our communities together. Here are the voices...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Together we can END the criminalization of kids in schools. Tell Congress to support the Counseling Not Criminalization Act!

November 20, 2020
Over the years we have all witnessed countless numbers of Black people killed at the hands of the police. Black people whose communities experience excessive policing and rampant police terror are too often left grappling with the devastating and traumatic impacts of having to see or hear about...
Beatriz Beckford's picture

Less Support for Low-Income Kids in the After-School Hours Is Cause for Concern

October 23, 2020
The toll the pandemic is taking on America’s moms is well documented and truly concerning, not just for moms but also for families and our country. At this time when millions more families are struggling to make ends meet, Moms are leaving the workforce because of the unmanageable burdens thrust on...
Jodi Grant's picture

Review the Week: 5 Can't Miss Posts [July 3, 2020]

July 3, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community was abuzz fighting for justice and demanding fast, effective solutions to the COVID-19 health crisis. Check out these 5 posts you loved, shared or might have missed for the week ending July 3, 2020. 1. INSTAGRAM: Today would have been Tamir Rice's 18th birthday Our...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a police officer standing with his back to the camera in a school hallway, with teens wearing backpacks walking by.]

Tell Governors and Mayors to Invest in Student Supports --NOT Police in Schools

July 1, 2020
We are living in extraordinary times. Nationwide mobilizations in the aftermath of too many police killings have renewed an important conversation about police accountability and the role police play in our lives. Even further this conversation has called into question the role police play in the...
Beatriz Beckford's picture

Review the Week: 5 Can't Miss Posts [June 19, 2020]

June 18, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community stepped up for equality in a big way this week. Check out some of the posts you loved, shared and might have missed for the week ending June 19, 2020. 1. INSTAGRAM: #IAmMamma We have been sharing and uplifting many of the voices in our #RisersandShakers community. "...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Review the Week: Can't Miss Posts

June 11, 2020
ICYMI: Here are a few of the rising, favorite and important posts from the MomsRising community for the week ending June 12, 2020. Jump in — like, share and leave a comment. Enjoy! 1. BLOG: Quick Signature: Justice for Breonna Taylor! Demand that Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer fire and charge with...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Diez consejos para enseñar y hablar con los niños sobre raza

June 10, 2020
Este año vimos un aumento en la cantidad de crímenes de odio por segundo año consecutivo y, al igual que en el 2015, la mayor cantidad de víctimas, casi 6 de cada 10, fueron atacadas debido a prejuicios contra su raza o etnia. Una encuesta que publicó esta semana la Asociación Estadounidense de...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
