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Social & Emotional Development

A Summer to Remember

May 31, 2019
As the school year ends and families look ahead to summer plans, I hope many will be able to consider travel that is not just a vacation, but an education and inspiration. Several years ago I had the opportunity to take my granddaughters with me to Selma, Alabama, where they got to meet Mrs. Amelia...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Remembering Unita Blackwell

May 24, 2019
I was deeply sorry to hear of the passing of my friend Mayor Unita Blackwell. She was one of a kind. She was always laughing and making other people laugh and she never stopped growing, learning, rolling with the punches, and punching back when she had to. As a civil rights activist, a member of...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Why You Should Start Your Summer Screen Time Rules Today

May 23, 2019
For some kids, summer means getting on the computer and not getting off 'til September. And even though a lot of parents relax their screen limits over the break, allowing a full-on hibernation is just not gonna happen . And it shouldn't. Kids need to get outside, of course. But they also need to...
Caroline Knorr's picture

QUICK SIGNATURE: Head Start needs YOU!

May 15, 2019
I love birthdays -- it’s a chance to celebrate life and mark the start of another trip around the sun. And this week marks the 54th birthday of one of our country’s most successful early learning programs: Head Start! Happy Birthday Head Start! Instead of balloons and cake to celebrate though, we...
Lauren Hipp's picture

5 Important Ways Moms Influence Kids

May 10, 2019
Media has a huge influence on kids -- and as kids get older, the online world has an even tighter grip on them. You can see it in the way they imitate their favorite TV characters, pretend to be YouTube stars, or beg for T-shirts, backpacks, or comforters emblazoned with logos. But parents still...
Caroline Knorr's picture

What You Need to Know About the Brands and Influencers Jumping on the 4/20 Weed Wagon

April 19, 2019
4/20 Day -- the celebration of marijuana that occurs every year on April 20 -- gets more popular every year. And while you probably haven't heard too much about it, your kids likely have. That's because 4/20 awareness spreads mostly on the sites and apps that attract tweens and teens, such as...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Prayers for a Season of Renewal

April 17, 2019
We are living through trying times as a nation when many are longing for justice. Sometimes it seems, in the words of poet James Russell Lowell, we are watching “Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.” But hope comes every day from the groundswell of people still refusing to...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Change the Currency to Reflect All of Us in America

April 12, 2019
Every day I wear a pair of medallions around my neck with portraits of two of my role models: Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. As a child I read books about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. She and the indomitable and eloquent Sojourner Truth represent countless anonymous slave women...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

The Deep Web and the Dark Web: Here's What You Need to Know

April 3, 2019
Since the Internet has become the go-to source for entertainment, socializing, news, information, and more, we rarely think about how it actually works. But the essential sites you visit every day or find through search engines such as Google and Yahoo are actually only a fraction of the total Web...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Thank you Hank Zipzer

March 28, 2019
Books have played an outsized role in my life. As an introverted only child and the daughter of a bookworm, growing up, children’s books were my refuge and my joy. My favorite teacher to this day was my high school English teacher, Mrs. Betty Lou Blumberg, who introduced me to great fiction with...
Tara Sarathy's picture
