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Realistic & Fair Wages

This Professor’s Secret Could Save Your Life

October 28, 2015
Professors lead cushy lives. They get to stroll the grounds of stately, ivy-covered campuses, tailed by flocks of eager students who revere them as intellectual giants. Or so I’d always thought. Then I met Susan . Susan is a smart, highly educated professor. She lives in the Tacoma area where she...
Roberta Riley's picture

My Speech on Women and Work

October 26, 2015
Tomorrow I will be giving a speech about the state of working women. The event, which is sponsored by the National Women's Law Center, takes a look at both the progress we have made and what is left to be done to ensure women have equality in the workplace and our daily lives. Here are some...
Liz Shuler's picture

Death By a Thousand Cuts

October 21, 2015
I grew up solidly middle class. So much has changed since then. We expect more. Two cars, not one. More than one television per household. Air conditioning, not fans. All the new gadgets. What has also changed is that health care costs have soared. Cars and housing take up a larger percentage of...
Susan Shaer's picture

Are you one of the 56% American Mothers Who “Prefer” to Stay Home?

October 17, 2015
New data from Gallup suggests that 56% of moms would prefer to stay home with kids than work outside the home, and 39% of women without young children would like the role of a homemaker. This is down from recent years. According to Gallup, in the late 1990s to early 2000s, more than half of women...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Thank you, President BarackObama For Advancing Paid Sick Days, Family Leave, PayEquity on Labor Day!

September 7, 2015
MomsRising Praises President Obama’s Labor Day Expansion of Paid Sick Days to Federal Contractors MomsRising Backs President Obama Urging Congress to Pass the Healthy Families Act and the FAMILY Act Earlier today, President Obama in a Labor Day address announced a new executive order expanding paid...
Kristin's picture

8 Things Moms Don't Need on #LaborDay, or Any Other Day

September 6, 2015
Several companies recently announced new or expanded perks to help the mothers in their ranks: extending maternity leaves, paying to fly a baby and nanny when mom takes a work trip or to ship breast milk back home, offering a mother local work for the first year of her baby’s life, or allowing her...
Nanette Fondas's picture

What the Debate over D.C.’s Minimum Wage is Missing

August 30, 2015
This Labor Day, worker pay is the topic du jour, with the District having recently raised its minimum wage to $10.50 an hour, and debate brewing over whether the increase is a truly livable wage for families struggling to make ends meet. As the head of a foundation focused on building economic...

Thoughts on Trump, breastfeeding, & #WomensEqualityDay

August 26, 2015
On August 26, 1920, women achieved the right to vote in the US, thus the Women's Equality Day. On this very special day, I want to do something that I rarely do--write a little bit about my thoughts on this heating presidential election. Living in America, I often have an illusion that we women are...
To-wen Tseng's picture

America's Wonder Women & The Battle For Equal Green(s)

August 14, 2015
Cleats were part of my life before books. As a young female athlete, I learned to play soccer before kindergarten. Hooked from the moment my foot first kicked a ball, I've loved experiencing the benefits of being part of a team who wins, loses, attacks, defends, laughs, cries, and everything in...
Olivia Roskill's picture

Why the New Overtime Proposal is a Win for Working Women

August 13, 2015
For months we’ve heard that the economy is finally moving in the right direction, except for one hitch: working people’s wages, particularly those of women, are not going up. One big reason: for years, millions of workers have clocked in more and more hours without ever seeing an extra cent in...
Liz Shuler's picture
