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Realistic & Fair Wages

Helen Chavez remembers women farm workers on Mother’s Day

May 8, 2015
When my husband, Cesar Chavez, and I helped begin the United Farm Workers in 1962, it was clear that the union was equally for women and men. So what better time than Mother’s Day to remember the women and mothers the UFW is still fighting for. Nowhere do women farm workers need more protection...
Helen F. Chavez's picture

21 Million Moms Benefit from Low-Income Tax Credits

May 8, 2015
Honor millions of moms this Mother's Day by taking action to improve their economic security. Help save low-income tax credits, raise the minimum wage, and provide paid leave and paid sick days for low-income mothers.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Teaching children is my calling, but I’m not paid enough to provide for my own

May 8, 2015
Being a child care teacher is my passion. But when I think about Mother ’s Day, sometimes I feel ashamed. I feel like less of a mom. That’s because even though I work hard and I’m good at my job, I am not paid enough to provide for my own children. I ’ve been working in child care for 13 years. I...
Venetta Strickland's picture

Helen Chávez recuerda a las trabajadoras agrícolas en el Día de las Madres

May 8, 2015
Cuando mi esposo César Chávez y yo ayudamos a fundar la union de campesinos ("United Farm Workers" en inglés) en 1962, quedó claro que el sindicato era para hombres y mujeres por igual. Por eso, que mejor ocasión que el Día de las Madres para recordar a las mujeres y madres por las que sigue...
Helen F. Chavez's picture

National Teacher Week: Women and the Teaching Brain

May 5, 2015
In celebration of National Teacher Week I’d like to talk about the many women in teaching. It is of no surprise that teaching is a female dominated profession. Back in September the New York Times published an article “ Why don’t more men go into teaching ?” citing that more than 75% of all...
Vanessa Rodriguez's picture
Take Action!

Boost our economy! Tell Congress to Raise the Wage!

April 30, 2015
The Raise the Wage Act boosts our economy and our families by raising the wages of 37.7 million workers, 75% of which are moms. Now we need YOU to speak out and tell Congress to support this bill!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Take Action!

QUICK signature for SNAP: With an unexpected boost from Gwyneth's GOOPblog

April 21, 2015
Gwyneth tried (and failed) to live on a $29 weekly food budget, the average per-person benefit level provided by SNAP (food stamps). Should she have bought seven limes? Probably not ... but the online discussions have created an opportunity. Read on to find out what it is!
Kristin's picture

Proposed Congressional Cuts to Nutrition Assistance Would Cost Jobs

April 14, 2015
This week, the House will vote on a measure to repeal the estate tax, which would shower the wealthiest 0.2 percent of estates in the country with an average tax cut of $2.5 million. Meanwhile, the House has already passed a budget proposal that would convert the nation’s bedrock nutrition...
Melissa Boteach's picture

What Would You Buy With Your 23 Cents?

April 14, 2015
Working women are shorted 23 cents for every dollar a man makes. On its own, 23 cents doesn’t sound like much. Sure it’s wrong that women still are paid only 77 cents on the man’s dollar. But what can 23 cents buy? How about a nice house? A private college education for four kids? Twelve brand new...
Liz Shuler's picture

My Wage Gap as a Mom and Daughter- #EqualPayDay

April 14, 2015
As a woman working a low-wage job, it can be a struggle to make it paycheck to paycheck. When my younger daughter needed surgery at the same time that my elderly father needed immediate medical attention, times were tough. If not for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), I would not have been...
Shelby Ramirez's picture
