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Politics & Policy

We need access to affordable, high-quality child care!

March 2, 2020
Right now, Congress has a solution right in front of them: The Child Care for Working Families Act is a comprehensive solution that would expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K for families while improving compensation and training for the childcare workforce.
Nadia's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a young child with blond hair in a half ponytail crying in an airplane seat.]

Kids Seated Away From Family During Flights?! Speak Out

February 25, 2020
Picture a 3-year-old sitting in a middle seat on an airplane, rows away from her parents as turbulence shakes the plane. Now imagine her parents trapped in their own seats rows away unable to help her, not knowing if she is safe sitting between strangers. Not to mention what it’s like to be one of...
Anna Laitin's picture
Take Action!
Quick signature: No monopoly for a coronavirus vaccine!

A coronavirus vaccine should save lives, not boost profits.

February 24, 2020
Every year, I make sure that my son and I get our flu shot as soon as it comes out. With a low-immune system due to chronic kidney disease, the flu can be devastating for me; and I am so grateful for the scientists across the world— and all the taxpayer dollars —that go into creating the flu...
Felicia Burnett's picture
"Don't Gaslight Me"

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: February 22, 2020

February 22, 2020
Last week we asked supporters to contribute to help us fight the lies , and we struck a chord. Our campaign triggered attacks: We had to report a threatening phone call that targeted Gloria and Kristin . One thing is clear - moms and families are sick and tired of the lies and disinformation coming...
Nate's picture

2020 State of the Union Was Massive Exercise in Gaslighting

February 6, 2020
The 2020 State of the Union address was yet another massive exercise in gaslighting the American people. Since he took office three years ago, President Trump has told lie after lie after lie, and his 2020 SOTU was no different, misrepresenting his intentions and completely fabricating a record of...
Gloria Pan's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of cupcakes with chocolate frosting and candy letters on top that read "We believe that right and truth will win!"]

Help MomsRising challenge the lies and protect our democracy! Here's How:

February 6, 2020
After watching a lie-filled State of the Union address Tuesday night , and then witnessing a slim majority of Republican U.S. Senators voting for a sham acquittal of President Trump last night , I had to channel my anger into action... somehow. Despite my anger and frustration, I still believe that...
Felicia Burnett's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]

Cupcakes and More: Your January MOMentum!

February 4, 2020
Happy 2020! It’s January and our work to strengthen this movement of women, moms, and families already has MOMentum! I’ll start with great news: Thanks to donors like you, we exceeded our fundraising goal in our 2019 end-of-year giving campaign, activating our match! That means we brought in more...
Anita's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic image with a picture of a cupcake that says "Don't frost the American people. Bake in democracy now!"]

Take action! Tell your U.S. Senators to vote for witnesses and documents!

January 29, 2020
As moms, we know we must protect our democracy for our children—and for our nation. By the end of this week, the U.S. Senate will face a crucial vote in the impeachment trial of President Trump. What’s at stake is whether witnesses and new documentary evidence can be presented BEFORE a vote to...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Support the Work!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of cupcakes with an impeachment message in the frosting.]

Impeachment Cupcakes to the Rescue!

January 29, 2020
Last week, MomsRising delivered impeachment cupcakes to U.S. Senate Republican offices with the message: “Don’t frost the American people. Bake in democracy now!” And you know what? Even though they may not all have liked our message, every single GOP office we visited welcomed us and accepted our...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Swarm the Capitol

#SwarmTheCapitol: MomsRising There in Force

January 27, 2020
By the end of this week, the U.S. Senate will face a crucial vote in the impeachment trial of President Trump. What’s at stake is whether to call witnesses and allow new documentary evidence to be presented BEFORE a vote to remove the President of the United States. As Senate Minority Leader Chuck...
Felicia Burnett's picture
