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Families & The Federal Budget

MomsRising Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month – ¡Con Mucho Gusto!

September 21, 2011
On the occasion of Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 to October 15, MomsRising is celebrating Latina mothers across the United States, ¡Con Mucho Gusto! (With great pleasure.) With a population of 50 million in the United States (1), Latinos have and will continue to contribute to our country...
Kristin's picture

Tell Congress to extend unemployment benefits

November 24, 2010
Two million Americans could lose their unemployment benefits next month if Congress doesn't act quickly. This would be a disaster for families who will have no money for food, rent, gas or clothing. It would also create hardship for half a million people who could lose their jobs because economic...

Let’s Not Leave Workers in the Cold this Holiday Season

November 19, 2010
Earlier this year I was helping out with the census. I was working late night shifts, early morning shifts, all kinds of shifts and was blown away by the people that were there working on the census with me. I was doing the job because I wanted to make sure that I was helping with the process. The...
Kety Esquivel's picture

Let’s Help Parents – and Our Schools -- on Parents’ Day

November 17, 2010
You probably didn’t know it, but today is Parents’ Day. For 89 years, during the third week in November, we celebrate American Education Week, and each day of the week we celebrate a different aspect of what makes education work. Today is Parents’ Day. Any teacher will tell you how much we rely on...
Lily Eskelsen's picture

Lame Duck Congress: Help American Families Today, Don’t Let Unemployment Benefits Expire

November 17, 2010
There was good news for our flailing economy from the Bureau of Labor Statistics this month. More than 150,000 jobs were added in the United States in October and private sector payrolls grew by 159,000. But there was some news that didn’t change: unemployment held steady at 9.6 percent. Almost 15...
Linda Meric's picture

What if You Had One Unemployment Check Left?

November 16, 2010
Most of us will never know what it feels like to see our unemployment insurance benefits run out. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel for the people who are at the economic edge, just eking by because of that check for a few hundred dollars. Aimee Brittain, 32, is coming up on a year without a job...

Standing Up for Families With Nowhere to Turn: A Blog-A-Thon on Unemployment Insurance

November 16, 2010
It's November and the holidays are fast approaching. But will out of work families be left out in the cold? On November 30, federal unemployment insurance is set to expire. Yet millions of families are relying on extended federal unemployment insurance to stay afloat financially. MomsRising members...
Donna's picture

Unemployment Insurance in the 1930s and today

November 16, 2010
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) was founded in 1947 by Eleanor Roosevelt and other liberal luminaries in order to protect the legacy of her husband, the recently-deceased President Franklin Roosevelt, a legacy that included unemployment insurance (UI). That legacy was under attack by a...

There is Nothing Like This, But I Have Faith

November 16, 2010
I was laid off from my job about three months ago. Unemployment today is unlike anything I have experienced in my lifetime. First of all, it was completely unexpected. Another major adjustment was to get used to a check of $494 biweekly and $25 worth of food stamps per month. Unfortunately, since I...
Teresa Rey's picture

While Congress Debates Tax Cuts for Millionaires Emergency Unemployment Benefits Could Expire for Millions of Jobless Workers

November 16, 2010
by Jasmine Tucker The unemployment situation is dire, especially among those who have been jobless for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, the situation is not likely to get better any time soon—national unemployment in October was above nine percent for the 18th consecutive month and is...
Thao Nguyen's picture
