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Families & The Federal Budget

WIC: More than a check, it's a village every mother and child need

October 15, 2013
Is this seriously up for debate? Does the necessity of WIC really need to be justified? Who questions whether or not support, matter of fact community support, is needed?! I remember... I remember being six months pregnant, college graduate, laid off from a high-paying medical sales career, talking...

Furloughed and it doesn’t feel so good

October 15, 2013
I've been furloughed from the CDC in Atlanta; there are thousands of us here. We are anxious to get back to work. We work on strategies to reduce chronic illness like heart disease and diabetes and we are not allowed to work. It doesn’t make sense that this Congress is holding us hostage. My family...
Loren Cadena's picture

Going hungry in the month of Thanksgiving? If Congress fails to fund the government, here's what families lose:

October 8, 2013
Congress has failed to pass a continuing resolution (CR) funding the government. While critical nutrition assistance programs like SNAP, WIC and school meals are expected to have the resources to continue providing benefits through October, should the government shutdown continue into November,...
Lisa Davis's picture

Listen to Mary: "Our lives depend on ending the government shutdown."

October 4, 2013
In 2006, I was diagnosed with Stage I breast cancer. After surgery and six rounds of chemotherapy, I returned to normal life. Early detection should have kept me cancer free, but after four years, I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer with tumors now growing in my lymph nodes, liver, bones...
Mary Gugich's picture

Why Washington's "Fiscal Cliff" is a Myth

November 14, 2012
They don’t call it the "cliff” for nothing. It’s the fiscal spot where a nation’s representatives can gather and cry doom. It’s the place -- if Washington is to be believed -- where, with a single leap into the Abyss of Sequestration, those representatives can end it all for the rest of us. In the...
Mattea Kramer's picture

Move Over Amy Chua: 2012 Is the Year of the Dragon Mom

January 23, 2012
Amy Chua ousted the timid Rabbit and made 2011 the Year of the Tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , a memoir about how she raised fabulously successful children through strict parenting, became a global phenomenon. Parents everywhere fiercely debated the pros and cons of Chua’s...
Gloria Pan's picture

Let’s finish what we started. Fully Renew Unemployment Insurance for 2012!

January 16, 2012
On this 83rd birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., MomsRising wants to thank all of our members and partners who have taken action to protect and support families struggling to find jobs. Thanks to voices like yours, 2 million families across America were able to keep food on the table after the...
Monifa Bandele's picture

#HERVotes Blog Carnival: Extend Unemployment Insurance!

December 8, 2011
Welcome to the #HERVotes Blog Carnival, this time focused on the need to extend unemployment insurance. Why? One reason is that far too many children in our nation ( nearly 1 in 4 ) live in families who are struggling to put food on the table because of poverty. And for them, this holiday season...
Kristin's picture

Good Education. Good experience. Still unemployed.

December 8, 2011
I am an RN who specializes in utilization review. I had worked for the same company since 1999. Unfortunately, as the dawn of the economic crisis broke, that company was swallowed up by another company, and then that was sold to another. After years of losing pensions, switching to lesser yielding...
Theresa Witt's picture

Who Gets a Turkey This Thanksgiving?

November 23, 2011
I asked my daughter, "What's your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?" She answered in one exuberant word, "Eating!" While many celebrate by eating together on Thanksgiving, far too many children in our nation (nearly 1 in 4) live in families who are struggling to put food on the table because of...
Kristin's picture
