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Families & The Federal Budget

MOMENTUM: The MomsRising Impact in 2022

March 3, 2023
Welcome to MOMENTUM: The MomsRising Impact in 2022, a report highlighting the victories, progress, and power-building achieved by the MomsRising community in 2022.
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Juega Lotería con nosotras durante el Estado de la Unión

February 7, 2023
* ¡Haz clic para descargar su tarjeta de Bingo del Estado de la Unión AHORA! * El Estado de la Unión ocurrirá el martes 7 de febrero de 2023, a las 21:00 horas. EST/6:00 p. m. hora del Pacífico ¡Estaremos mirando con palomitas de maíz y cartones de Lotería de MomsRising/MamásConPoder en la mano!...
linda's picture
State of the Union BINGO!

Get Your Dabbers Ready: SOTU 2023 Bingo Is Here!

February 6, 2023
* Click to download your State of the Union Bingo card NOW! * It’s showtime! The State of the Union will happen on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at 9:00 p.m. EST / 6:00 p.m. PST . We’ll be watching with popcorn and MomsRising BINGO cards in hand! Playing BINGO is FUN & helps us track when the...
MomsRising's picture
Part 1 of 6

YOUR 2022 IMPACT: A Year of Unexpected Victories

February 2, 2023
Welcome to MOMENTUM: The MomsRising Impact in 2022, a report highlighting the victories, progress, and power-building achieved by the MomsRising community in 2022.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
PHOTO of MomsRising for Immigrant Women and Families poster at San Antonio Event

¡Demuestra tu amor a quienes solicitan asilo!

February 1, 2023
Todos queremos lo mismo, un lugar seguro donde nuestras familias puedan vivir y prosperar. Eso es exactamente los que buscan los padres de familia que llegan a nuestra frontera a pedir asilo. Todos queremos proteger la vida y la salud de nuestros hijos. Para algunos padres de familia esto requiere...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Part 4 of 6

2022 IMPACT: Training the Next Generation of Mom Leaders

January 31, 2023
These mom leaders will be powering up in local communities across the nation for years to come.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Part 6 of 6

2022 IMPACT: Narrative Shifting

January 31, 2023
MomsRising played a strong role in educating the public, media, and leaders about programs and policies that lift moms and families at the federal, state, and local levels, and shifted the national narrative so the need for a care infrastructure was on center stage.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Part 2 of 6

2022 IMPACT: Our Legislative & Policy Wins

January 27, 2023
In 2022 MomsRising won transformational policy changes that bettered the lives of families, boosted the economy, and lifted democracy.
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Breaking Through into 2023! New Year, New Resolutions, New Victories!

January 11, 2023
On the radio show this week we dive into 2023 to cover the latest with the care infrastructure policies (paid family/medical leave, childcare, home- and community-based services, and fair pay for care workers), the ongoing fight for everyone who needs access to abortioncare to have access, hear...
Amber Dorsey's picture
MomsRising family in front of the Capitol during their Child Tax Credit Day of Action

Day in the Life: Follow MomsRising on a Child Tax Credit Day of Action in Capitol Hill!

December 15, 2022
One year ago today (December 15th, 2021), the last expanded monthly Child Tax Credit payments went out. These checks were a huge relief for families to help pay for necessities like medical bills, rent, food, childcare, and more. MomsRising members across the country raised their voices in response...
Hanna's picture
