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Families & The Federal Budget

Public Benefits Work Requirements Don't Actually Work

June 12, 2023
Recently a bipartisan deal kept the U.S. from the brink of economic disaster and saved millions of jobs….but there was a price to pay for that: further time restrictions and harsh work requirements were passed for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or food stamps) and TANF. Many...
Gina Arias's picture
Tell Congress: Protect SNAP!

Food stamps are at risk for hundreds of thousands of families

June 8, 2023
Last week a bipartisan deal kept the U.S. from the brink of economic disaster and saved millions of jobs… but there was a price to pay for that: Further time restrictions and harsh work requirements were passed for 750,000 SNAP (food stamps) recipients. Now, with major decisions being made in the coming months regarding the vital Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) we need to make our voices heard to Congress: Hands off SNAP!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, May 26, 2023

May 25, 2023
SIGN NOW to protect WIC! WIC is getting attacked from all angles. The House Republican budget not only holds our families hostage by calling for across-the-board cuts to programs like WIC in order to raise the debt ceiling to avoid default in the next two weeks, they also want to gut fruit and...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

Agenda Mamás por la Justicia: Nuestra visión poderosa para que las mamás y familias prosperen

May 16, 2023
Valoramos nuestras libertades. La libertad de estar con nuestros hijos y familias cuando más nos necesitan, de escoger lo que es mejor para nuestras familias, de enviar a nuestros hijos a escuelas en las que cada niño sienta que pertenece y donde pueda prosperar y la libertad de tener igualdad...
linda's picture

En este Día de la Madre queremos más que caramelos y flores, ¡queremos libertad!

May 12, 2023
El Día de la Madre es un GRAN día... un día de celebración, de amor, de recuerdo, de flores y tal vez de un poco de baile mientras reímos, nos abrazamos, lloramos y posiblemente incluso nos enojemos... y también un día en el que cada una de nosotras juntas podemos tomar alguna acción rápida,...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

TAKE ACTION to stop the GOP from defaulting on our families!

May 11, 2023
Breaking news! We are an estimated 22 days away from the GOP-created debt ceiling crisis becoming a world-wide problem. [1] If Congress doesn’t take immediate action to raise the debt ceiling, like Trump did three times on his watch [2], we will– for the first time in history – default, leading to...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Republicans want to default on our families!

April 25, 2023
This is not a drill! Republicans in Congress are manufacturing a MAJOR crisis and putting the health, education, and well-being of our families and economy on the line. Republicans are burying it in wonky language like “debt ceiling” and “deficit.” But we won’t be fooled! The reality is Speaker...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

TAX THE RICH - Sign now, For the Kids!

April 18, 2023
Today is Tax Day (Hey did you file your taxes yet??) and we have a BIG message for Congress: Families shouldn’t be the only ones to pay taxes. Make sure you also tax the super wealthy and mega corporations in order to pay for childcare, paid leave, and care for the aging and people with...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
A woman speaking at a podium in front of the capitol

Empowering Our Volunteers & Growing Long-Term Local Leaders Through the Power of Storytelling

March 24, 2023
As humans, we live in and through stories. Neuroscience shows that our brains like stories —we actually crave stories—and when we hear a well-told story, it helps us to cut out distractions, helps people remember concepts with greater accuracy, and as hearts are changed as stories are told and...
Felicia Burnett's picture

The Top 10 Policies Every Leader Should Support In 2023

March 23, 2023
We've updated our vision for 2024! See the newest version here. Moms For Freedom Agenda: A Vision to Lift Our Nation We value our freedoms. The freedom to be there for our children and families when we’re needed most, to choose what’s best for our families, to send our kids to schools where every...
MomsRising's picture
