Eleven years ago, my youngest child, {Z} came rushing into this world like nothing I had ever seen. I wasn’t shocked. I had a feeling she would grace us early. I knew, a mother always knows. I was a high-risk pregnancy, with both of my girls. Unfortunately, signs were missed by my OB and their...
Your contributions this month include busting politically motivated book bans; shoring up support for affordable childcare, education, and nutrition; and demanding that our elected officials create budgets and policies that help, not harm, America’s families and economy.
Big thanks to YOUR support, we cheered this month as the recently passed Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act went into effect. This momentous national legislation helps ensure pregnant people can support their families without a sacrifice of health and wellbeing.
To-wen is a mom and journalist based in California. She has been a MomsRIsing member for a decade! Through the years, To-wen has participated in a number of MomsRising actions and was part of MomsRising's inaugural RISERS cohort in 2021-2022. We asked To-wen to share a bit about how her advocacy...
In case you missed us, MomsRising Staff spent a few days in Chicago connecting with other activists, speaking on panels, and digging deeper in to the work that we do.
At such a critical time around the country for diverse books and the increase in book bans, we have been empowering families and caregivers to advocate in partnership with the Diverse Books for All coalition. States like Florida, Texas, South Carolina, and more have experienced active removal of...
Together we marched for reproductive freedom, shed light on the challenges families face with child care, won expanded health care coverage, explored the dark history of the second amendment, celebrated immigrant mothers, united in support of LGBTQ families with PRIDE, and more!