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Human Needs Report: Tax cut bills, disaster aid, anti-immigrant policies, and more

November 13, 2017
The Coalition on Human Needs just released the latest edition of the Human Needs Report, a regular newsletter on national policy affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. Read on for articles on the House and Senate tax cut bills, year-end spending deals, disaster aid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, policies hurting immigrant communities, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Tearing Apart Families Is Never Acceptable

November 7, 2017
The Department of Homeland Security decision, announced last night, to withdraw Temporary Protected Status (TPS) from some 2,500 immigrants from Nicaragua is heartless and wrong. Most of these immigrants have been living in the United States for nearly 20 years and have children who were born here...
MomsRising's picture

¡No vamos a permitir que separen a las familias de las 320,000 personas que tienen TPS!

November 6, 2017
Mi amiga María tiene TPS. María no solo fue la maestra de mis dos hijas mayores cuando estaban en la guardería sino también se convirtió en un pilar fundamental en la vida de ellas. Su entrega y profesionalismo en el aula de clase ha beneficiado a mis hijas y a decenas de ni ñ os que la han tenido...
linda's picture

Why We Need to Protect Undocumented Parents

November 1, 2017
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) released their 2017 Race for Results report. The report this year takes a close look at immigrant families, and there is one finding that the executive leadership of AECF repeatedly emphasized during their release event: if we want immigrant children...
Isabella Higgins's picture

MomsRising Demands the Immediate Release of Rosa Maria Hernandez

October 30, 2017
Yesterday, US Customs and Border Protection detained an undocumented 10-year-old girl, Rosa Maria Hernandez, who has cerebral palsy immediately after she was discharged from a Texas hospital after undergoing emergency gallbladder surgery. MomsRising, a national organization of more than one million...
MomsRising's picture

Poverty and Progress: Poverty is down in the US, but new threats are on the horizon

October 27, 2017
Sustained economic gains and strong federal programs have led to welcome progress in the fight against poverty over the last several years. This is good news. But actions from Congress and the Trump administration, including the recently passed budget resolution, threaten to weaken the very programs that contribute to this progress. Read CHN's new report and use our social media toolkit and infographics to share the report widely.
Lecia Imbery's picture

#MaternalJustice Storify - Mothers, Kids and Pregnant Women in Detention

October 12, 2017
Conversation on immigration detention with the ACLU of San Diego & Women's Refugee Commission
Nadia's picture

MomsRising Praises Gov. Brown for Signing California Values Act

October 6, 2017
Yesterday, California Governor Jerry Brown made his state safer and stronger by signing SB54, the California Values Act, into law. This bill will shield some Californians from some of the Trump administration’s heartless deportation policies, protecting families, improving public safety and...
MomsRising's picture

Five Ways To Step Up Against Attacks On Our Families

October 6, 2017
Last week, Congressional Republicans let the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) expire and voted in favor of gutting Medicaid which would result in millions more uninsured children. This week, the Trump administration rolled back access to birth control and the House passed a 20 week...
Felicia Burnett's picture

¡Apoya a los jóvenes que han estado aquí desde que eran niños protegiendo su futuro legal y sus SUEÑOS!

October 4, 2017
¡Estamos en alerta máxima! La Casa Blanca rescindió DACA. Rescindir DACA es el paso equivocado para nuestra nación. Nuestra diversidad es lo que hace que nuestra nación sea fuerte, innovadora y próspera, no lo opuesto. Con esta decisión, el presidente no solo le ha dado la espalda a más de 800,000...
linda's picture
