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10 Tips to Reduce Added Sugar for the Whole Family!

January 6, 2018
On the first #FoodFri of the year our guests Stanford pediatrician Anisha Patel MD and healthy food advocate Jennifer Tyler Lee shared their knowledge and tips to help us reduce our added sugar intake at home. First, let’s clear something up… what is added sugar? Added sugar is anything that doesn’...
Diana Limongi's picture

Popular Food Myths Debunked by CSPI

December 16, 2017
This week’s #FoodFri chat was all about debunking the myths on popular foods that are currently trending. The Center for Science in the Public Interest addressed the popular beliefs, sometimes fads, that are common today, discussing whether studies support the popularly held beliefs. COCONUT OIL...
Diana Limongi's picture

Tips and Tricks to Add More Fruits and Veggies to Your Diet

December 9, 2017
Struggling to incorporate more fruits and veggies in your diet? Here are some easy tips and tricks to add more fruits and veggies to your diet.
Diana Limongi's picture

On Trump Admin's Irresponsible Rollback of School Meal Standards

November 29, 2017
The rule the Agriculture Department released today is grossly irresponsible and a significant step backward for our country and for our children’s health. The updated school nutrition standards have been working. Parents support them, kids benefit greatly from them, and the vast majority of schools...
Monifa Bandele's picture

Breastfeeding and Praying Parallels: Building a Space in Society

November 20, 2017
A young Muslim woman stands in line anxiously at the fitting room at a clothing store holding a “NaMastay in Bed” sweatshirt. Behind her, a mother waits with a crying baby. The Muslim woman enters a stall and prays quickly, hoping no one notices her bending and kneeling through the door gap. She...
Shireen Hakim's picture

Tell U.S. Senate: NO on Michael Dourson!

November 17, 2017
As a child, I spent weeks every summer rambling around my family farm in southern Ohio. A favorite destination was an old stream bed that fed into a larger creek on the edge of our property. And although I love taking my own kids down to that farm, I can't let them play in the water as I once did...
Karen Showalter's picture

How the Powerful Meat Industry Denies the Science on Antibiotics Used in Livestock

November 17, 2017
Say a powerful, multibillion dollar industry has bet the farm on routinely using important human antibiotics where they’re not needed. Now, make a guess about that industry’s playbook once the world’s most respected health agency pronounces that this practice is endangering lives? Denial?...
David Wallinga's picture

House Republican Tax Bill ‘Throws Working Families Under the Bus’

November 16, 2017
By passing a harmful, heinous tax bill, House Republicans today threw working families under the bus in order to kowtow to big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent of people in our country. This bill will give tax breaks to those who need it least while doing real damage to our economy and...
MomsRising's picture

Moms Standing up for SNAP

November 9, 2017
There are few things more gut-wrenching for a mother, than having to put your child to bed hungry. This should not be happening in America, yet more than 1 in 6 children live in food insecure households in this country. SNAP Adult Working.jpg Anti-hunger programs like the Supplemental Nutrition...
Abbie Gately's picture

Moms Standing up for WIC

November 9, 2017
WIC is a short-term program shown to improve health outcomes in babies, including improving birth weights and reducing infant mortality rates, as well as stronger outcomes for moms in managing weight gain in pregnancy, prolonging breastfeeding duration, and helping moms access breastfeeding support...
Abbie Gately's picture
