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Family Economic Security

How should Pennsylvania parents be heard?

January 20, 2023
We know the voices of parents and caregivers are essential to articulating our shared challenges and defining and demanding the solutions. Yet too often they are tokenized at best, and sidelined at worst. Join us to change that. We're launching a conversation around what real, meaningful parent...
Karen Showalter's picture

Sign our Thank You card to Speaker Pelosi!

January 20, 2023
There are times in our lives when a simple thank you can make a lasting difference and impression. One of those times is now. From the first moment Nancy Pelosi became a member of Congress she’s been a force for women and families. During her historic four terms as the very first woman - and mother...
MomsRising's picture
Image that says Take Action with MomsRising

QUICK SIGNATURE: Washingtonians Raise your voice this legislative session!

January 19, 2023
It's that time of year again - kiddos are returning to school, the days are getting (ever so slightly) longer, and Washington State's lawmakers are back in Olympia for the annual state legislative session. Between now and April, lawmakers will be making key decisions about child care, early...
Mandy Kwan's picture
Working Families Tax Credit Coalition Image

Quick Signature!: Let's strengthen and expand the Working Families Tax Credit!

January 11, 2023
Washington made history in 2021 when the legislature passed and funded the Working Families Tax Credit , a first-of-its-kind policy for the state that will put millions of dollars back into the pockets of families. Eligible households can receive up to $1,200 per year starting February 2023. We...
Mandy Kwan's picture
Image of people holding signs and wearing face masks

You got out the vote, now we need you to ACT! Sign our petition letting our lawmakers know what we care about!

December 5, 2022
Moms and women turned out in force in this last election, now let’s use that same energy to turn up and turn out for Washington State’s upcoming legislative session. Let’s let our lawmakers know what matters to us! WHAT'S HAPPENING IN OLYMPIA? The 2023 Washington State legislative session begins in...
Mandy Kwan's picture
Image with people hugging and holding each other and text sharing details about the event

Washington State Families -- join us for a virtual statewide town hall on December 10th, 2022 at 11 am PT!

December 5, 2022
Looking for something FREE, FUN, and IMPACTFUL to do with the family? Join MomsRising, mom lawmakers, and families from across Washington for a virtual statewide town hall on December 10th at 11 am PT. Moms powered the 2022 election, now it's time to power the 2023 legislative session! Take action...
Mandy Kwan's picture

MomsRising Stories: How the Child Tax Credit Impacts Our Families

December 1, 2022
Childcare prices have exploded over the last decade, and with the pandemic, options have diminished. My husband and I are both public elementary school teachers. We are able to live comfortably but not extravagantly. Affording daycare for our toddler son has pushed our budget to the limit-- we make...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Domestic Violence Awareness Includes Stories Of Homelessness: Here's Mine

November 28, 2022
I was a homeless preteen for an amount of time that trauma won’t allow me to properly timestamp. For years I blamed my mother for her “bad decisions.” I had a hard time not examining myself as a spawn of irresponsibility. But, life experience has allowed me to reclassify this memory. My mother was...
Leslie Rose's picture
Hand holding pen, writing list on notepad.

Tell Congress “prioritize our families now!”

November 18, 2022
There are less than 7 weeks left in the year but WOW does Congress have some work to do! We have created a “to-do” list for Congress to keep them on schedule for delivering important policies for our families, children, and economy by the end of the year.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
We Are MomsRising

Story time: The fall of Roe v Wade did not silence us. It activated us.

November 15, 2022
Why is abortion critical for moms? America’s moms were faced with the unthinkable reality when the U.S. Supreme Court relegated our autonomy to the states, making our ability to access the reproductive health care we needed almost impossible. Everything changed for every woman, every family, and...
Diarra Diouf's picture
