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Families & The Federal Budget

Tell Your Senators: #ReliefCantWait

December 3, 2020
We’ll get straight to the point: We’re about to go off a COVID cliff. And we need your help. In just three weeks, unless Congress acts, many of the pandemic relief policies that have been lifelines for our families (like expanded unemployment benefits, emergency paid family leave and earned sick...
Hanna's picture

Top #5Actions for This Holiday Week: November 27, 2020

November 25, 2020
The holidays are upon us, and many of us are getting creative and practicing flexibility to connect from a distance with family in new ways because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the pandemic hasn’t just challenged the way we celebrate; it’s also turned up the pressure on families whose health and...
Anita's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of an I Voted sticker.]

America’s Moms Have Spoken

November 7, 2020
“Moms were a powerful force in this election. Moms across the country mobilized their families, their friends, and their communities to vote, overcoming many obstacles to voting during a pandemic and resulting in historic voter turnout this year. The huge voter turnout makes our country stronger...
MomsRising's picture
Instagram photo of Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner jumping for joy for voting early

Review the Week: Final Friday Before ELECTION DAY [Oct. 30, 2020]

October 30, 2020
ICYMI: Voting. Voting. Voting. The MomsRising community remains focused on making this the biggest MomsVote ever, PLUS fighting for equal pay for Latinas! Check out these posts you loved, shared or might have missed for the week ending Oct. 30, 2020. 1. YOUTUBE: You Can Count on Us Moms will do...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
a "mom" on a unicycle with pink pants and a blue shirt,  juggling a cell phone, a calendar, a laptop, a child and a to do list.

Moms Are Parenting the Workforce!?

October 29, 2020
In her latest blog post, Capacity Building Manager Marianne Bullock reflects on a new, precarious reality. "It's not that women are falling off the cliff," she shares, "but that we are being pushed off and out of the workforce by a lack of policies that support the on-the-ground reality of the burden of care for our children's wellbeing."

Less Support for Low-Income Kids in the After-School Hours Is Cause for Concern

October 23, 2020
The toll the pandemic is taking on America’s moms is well documented and truly concerning, not just for moms but also for families and our country. At this time when millions more families are struggling to make ends meet, Moms are leaving the workforce because of the unmanageable burdens thrust on...
Jodi Grant's picture
5 Election Love Languages graphic

Review the Week: #BlockBarret, Love Languages, Fire & Fear [Oct. 9, 2020]

October 9, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community is craving love, kindness, freedom from fear, and RELIEF. Together, we have the power to make all of these possible...for so many more Americans. In that spirit, check out these MomsVote posts that you loved, liked, shared or might have missed for the week ending Oct...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Monifa Bandele Facebook Live Health Care Voters

Review the Week: Voting, Texting Congress, and Protecting Health Care [Oct. 2, 2020]

October 2, 2020
ICYMI: Voting is top of mind for our members this week -- the election is 32 DAYS AWAY! Check out these MomsVote posts, plus other opportunties to ignite democracy and make the world a better place for moms and families, that you loved, liked, shared or might have missed for the week ending Oct. 2...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Family wearing masks

#SAVETHE600 Coalition and Unemployed Workers Call on Congress to Immediately Address the Crisis Millions of Unemployed People Are Now Facing

September 23, 2020
Following is a statement from the #SAVETHE600 Coalition : There should be no greater priority for our nation’s elected officials than ensuring people are able to stay afloat and make ends meet during this global pandemic. Tens of millions of people are facing unemployment and are suffering because...
Hanna's picture
Close the Camps illustration

Review the Week: MomsVote Special Edition [Sept. 18, 2020]

September 17, 2020
ICYMI: It's six weeks until Election Day, and the MomsRising movement is more engaged than ever in defending families, rising for women and getting out the vote, and the posts you liked, loved and shared shows it! Check out this hot MomsRising content for the week ending Sept. 18., 2020. 1...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
