Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, April 2, 2021
We’ll get right to it! This week’s 5Actions include ways to learn more about new benefits available to YOU and your family (including the new direct payments related to children in the Child Tax Credit) due to the recent passage of the American Rescue Act (ARP) at a special online event with Speaker Pelosi! Below, you’ll also find ways to make your voice heard as we work to stop gun violence, as well as ways to help build a care infrastructure that enables parents to work and creates good care jobs.
Lots to do! Thank you for doing it with us!
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Nate, Gloria, Joy, Elyssa, and the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team
What’s in the American Rescue Plan for Your Family?
Want to find out how to get the new benefits available to YOU and your family due to the recent passage of the American Rescue Act (ARP)? We've got you covered! When you join us, you’ll hear from a very special guest, the U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Some of our nation’s foremost advocates and experts for women and families will also be joining us to help cover how to access the new benefits (including direct cash to your family!) that just recently passed in the American Rescue Plan.
Join us for this important virtual online event. Click here to save your spot.
Send a Letter to the Editor saying "Families need recovery now!"
Members of Congress are home over the next two weeks for recess and one of the most high-impact ways we can get their attention is to flood our local newspaper with letters on the issues that matter most to our families. We need to let our elected leaders know that they must make sure we can all recover—especially women, moms, and communities of color who have been bearing the brunt of COVID’s impact. And that in order to build back better we will need long-term investments that lift working families and our economy. That's why we need YOU to take action now!
SIGN NOW! Tax cuts for working families, not mega-corporations
Time and time again moms, women, low-income families, and people impacted by structural racism have been harmed by our unfair tax code. But how can we make our tax code more equitable and our nation’s economy more successful? First, we need to make permanent the expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit we won in the American Rescue Plan.Then we need to make sure leaders in Congress pass policies that make millionaires, billionaires, and mega-corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
Help Save Lives!
The mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder again prove that Americans can no longer wait for action against gun violence. The U.S. House recently passed gun legislation to tighten up background checks on gun sales, and now it’s up to the U.S. Senate to turn it into law. It’s time to save lives. Our families and communities deserve to be free and safe from gun violence.
Donate today to fuel our fight for sensible gun policy.
What’s a Kite Message? Send one to your U.S. Senators!
Help us tell your U.S. Senators that #CareCantWait. Helping is super EASY (and super fun!) -- here’s how:
STEP 1: Download and print the kite coloring page -- or get any piece of paper you have handy at home and draw a simple kite on it -- color it (or have your kids color it), and add a personal message urging your U.S Senator to hurry up and pass a recovery plan with care infrastructure provisions for families and our economy, naming any of the following issues you care about:
- Universal childcare
- National paid leave for all
- Raise the minimum wage
- Permanent enhancements to the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit
- Investments in caregiving options for people with disabilities and aging adults
- Pathway to citizenship for immigrant workers who have been crucial in combating the pandemic
STEP 2: Take a picture of your completed Kite Message and post it on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with the hashtag #CareCantWait to join a wave of change. And, if you’re NOT on social media, just email us a picture of your kite to KeepMarching@MomsRising.org with #CareCantWait in the Subject line of the email!
Download a blank Kite Message by clicking here.
P.S.– We are gathering stories about the positive impact of the American Rescue Plan. We want to hear from YOU about how your family is being (or will be) boosted by this new law. Click here to tell us about it -> we'll share your experiences directly with policy makers and leaders!
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