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Blog Carnivals

5 Tips for Tandem Breastfeeding

August 3, 2016
I knew when I found out I was pregnant with my first that I wanted to attempt to breastfeed. I set a meager goal of six short weeks. We battled through those first few weeks learning from each other, dealing with a dairy intolerance, engorgement and more. But before I knew it, we were passing the...
Larisha Campbell's picture

Breastfeeding Stories: Meet Christina

August 2, 2016
Christina is from Pennsylvania. She shared her story in one of our storybooks (Paid Family Leave: A Solid Step Toward the First Food). This is her story... I unexpectedly became pregnant with my second child shortly after starting a new job in 2002. When it came time to let my boss in on the news...
Sili Recio's picture

When Depression and Breastfeeding Come Together

August 2, 2016
As we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week and the beautiful things our bodies can do for our babies, we should also take time to remember the emotional hardships some moms face: The unspoken reality that many moms are dealing with postpartum depression while breastfeeding. As a single mom, I...
Esperanza Dodge's picture

#Disability Blog Carnival - Living in a post ADA world

July 26, 2016
Nearly 20 percent of Americans are living with a disability, and countless others are deeply involved in caring for and supporting individuals affected by disability. Last year we celebrated 25 years from the passage of the Americans with Disability Act. We highlighted many successes, while...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

Inclusion and Opportunity

July 12, 2016
Shortly after I was born, I was diagnosed with rare form of childhood eye cancer, leaving me blind in one eye. The cancer returned again and, although the doctors were able to save my life, they were not able to save my eyesight and I became completely blind by age 8. As I think back to that time...
Cyrus Habib's picture

Knocking Down Barriers

July 8, 2016
My journey into motherhood took an unexpected turn with the birth of my son Austin who was born with a developmental disability. Developmental Disabilities include Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Down Syndrome, amongst others. Austin was born in the year 1988, and my...
Deena Mederios's picture

Lives can change in an instant

July 6, 2016
When I recently attended an advance prescreening of Intelligent Lives, a wonderful film by Dan Habib that will challenge our definition of intelligence when it is released next year, in the discussion that followed the clip, a number of participants from the film were answering audience questions...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

A Mom’s Wish

July 6, 2016
Today is Justin’s birthday. So hard to believe that it’s been 36 years since I first held that little miracle in my arms. So many thoughts and feelings overwhelming me at that moment—relief, pride, exhaustion, wonder, love, protectiveness, and yes, fear. And what new mother doesn’t experience fear...
Wendy David's picture

Always Climb Higher

July 5, 2016
When my twin sons, Nick and Jack were born in 2007, I was overwhelmed and thrilled. When Nick started missing his milestones, I was concerned. We took him to pediatricians who sent us to psychologists, occupational therapists and autism specialists who performed evaluations and tests. When Nick was...
Denise Zavaleta's picture

"your daughter ... Autism"

July 5, 2016
"Ms. Cooke, the team has concluded its assessments and observations and we have come to the conclusion that your daughter NaVia fits the criteria for our exception needs program as a child with Autism." At least that's what I think they said. All I remember that late spring day in 2011 was "your...
NaShonda Cooke's picture
