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Maxine Nelson, 65, impressed me the first time I met her. She is an African-American resident of Pine Bluff, Ark., a retired nurse and feisty warrior for social justice. She is also a national board member of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and a member of the Arkansas School Boards Association.
Nordette Adams's picture
For Mother's Day this year Vocal Visions produced A CD, From A Mother's Heart, , which is a compilation of songs done by recording artists for their Mothers. Not only that--they are dedicating a portion of their profits to
joan's picture
When ABC did their story on maternal profiling, I was really glad about it. Not, of course, about maternal profiling, but the fact that a mainstream media outlet was picking up on this issue.
Anita's picture
I wanted to point you to Sue Shellenbarger's latest Wall Street Journal column, "How Stay-at-Home Moms Are Filling an Executive Niche." I participated in the project at UNC's Kenan-Flagler business school that Shellenbarger writes about as a win-win-win for the school, MBA students, and mothers who were recruited and trained to serve as managerial role players and assessors. The brief, intense experience allowed mothers to hone their work skills, step in to an executive role, and earn some income in a flexible work situation. I wrote more about this experience on my Mojo Mom blog. One of my colleagues called us the SWAT team -- Smart Women with Available Time -- and we were able to assemble on short notice to fill important teaching roles for the business school. It was a fascinating project and I hope this business news coverage will remind employers that mothers are a fantastic resource to call on.
I’ve never really been a purist when it comes to my kids. I must admit that they’ve consumed more than their share of Kraft macaroni and cheese. And when a friend announced that she was only going to give toys made of wood to her children, I just rolled my eyes.
Donna's picture
Ohio, like every other state in the nation, has no law allowing workers to earn paid sick days to protect public health. A startling example of why this is so important occurred in April: A Chipotle Restaurant in Kent closed its doors after people who ate there became ill. A total of 432 peopl e...
Katie Bethell's picture
Want to send a "Burrito-Gram" to Ohio leaders? It's a fun way to make a serious point about the need for paid sick days in Ohio.
Katie Bethell's picture
We woke up this morning to an article which made us think the calendar had been switched back 50 years while we were sleeping. On Wednesday, the Senate failed to pass the Fair Pay Act. What was almost worse than that defeat were the out-of-touch, misinformed -- and downright insulting -- statements about women.
Kristin's picture
Public education, which is a free service guaranteed by the California Constitution, is no longer free. According to the Los Angeles Times, various school districts are asking parents to fork over cash in an effort to hold onto teachers after proposed budget cuts by Gov.
Elisa Batista's picture
A year ago, when I sat down to write about my five-year-old daughter’s hospitalization, I had no idea it would lead me to testifying at a hearing in Sacramento before a California State Senate subcommittee on Health and Social Services. I also didn’t know how it would feel to publicly stand up for a cause I believed in – but I was about to find out.
