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Paid Family Leave

Adoption Awareness Month
[photo of an adult holding an infant in a vehicle looking out the window]

Love, loss and paid family leave: One adoption story

November 26, 2018
Like every parent, I will never forget the day we brought our daughter home for the first time. It was an unseasonably warm spring day and, after dumping the luggage from our weeks abroad, we headed straight for the yard. As I set our 17-month-old in the grass, I felt a momentary a rush of relief...
Tatsuko Go Hollo's picture

Amor, pérdida y permisos familiares pagados: Una historia de adopción

November 20, 2018
Como cualquier padre de familia, nunca olvidaré el día que trajimos a nuestra hija a la casa por primera vez. Era un día de primavera inusualmente cálido y, después de meter a la casa el equipaje de una semana que pasamos fuera del país, salimos al patio. Cuando puse a nuestra hija de 17 meses en...
Tatsuko Go Hollo's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with four panels that provide examples of issues on which local communities often legislate, like gun safety.]

Preemption Stifles Local Voices, Innovation. Here's how

November 19, 2018
Preemption policies prohibit local governments from passing laws or ordnances that are more robust than what exists at a higher level. For example, a preemption policy could prohibit a city council from passing a soda tax because one doesn't exist at the state level, or a borough council from...
Karen Showalter's picture
Write a LTE!

Thankful Paid Family and Medical Leave is coming to WA? Write an LTE!

November 16, 2018
November is all about gratitude--counting the blessings and gifts we have now. For some, a main source of gratitude is the presence of family and the ability to provide for loved ones. That’s why we’re extra thankful that Washington families will soon be able to benefit from Washington’s new Paid...
Seayoung Yim's picture
Premature Awareness Month

A Premature Birth Can Be Traumatic, Not Having Paid Leave Makes It Worse

November 14, 2018
Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to have kids. My husband and I married somewhat young, and we decided to try having kids when we were in our twenties, just in case it might not work out if we tried in our thirties. With our chosen professions in the food industry, there would have been no...
Nicole Stoddard's picture
Programa de permisos familiares pagados de WA

Un parto prematuro puede ser traumático, no tener permisos pagados hace que sea peor

November 14, 2018
Desde niña, supe que quería tener hijos. Mi esposo y yo nos casamos cuando éramos relativamente jóvenes y decidimos tratar de tener hijos cuando teníamos veintitantos años, por si acaso no podíamos si tratábamos después de los treinta. Como trabajamos en la industria alimenticia, no íbamos a poder...
Nicole Stoddard's picture

Military Parental Leave Program--Not exactly as promised

November 8, 2018
UPDATE: The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee Paid Leave Constellation has crafted a sign-on letter requesting that legislators fix the gaps in the MPLP. Please read , sign , and share the letter to help us address these critical issues. When the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017...
Amy Smolinski's picture
We Are MomsRising!

We Are MomsRising, Jade from California

October 31, 2018
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Jade in California about the childcare struggle and her experiences as an immigrant. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . My partner Caesar is Mexican and I am British. It took...
Abbie Gately's picture
Work & Family
[photo of 3 adults and 2 children]

Make it Work: Transforming the workplace for families and moms

October 17, 2018
October is National Work and Family Month and it’s a good time to talk about the demands of both work and family. Workers, especially working parents, need workplace supports that help address deep systemic inequities based on race, class, and gender. We need policies that make it possible for...
Seayoung Yim's picture

September MOMentum: Your Donations Powering This Movement

October 1, 2018
How your donation is making a difference It’s fall. Time for change! Backed by your generosity, MomsRising members are rising for change all over America — to get out the vote, stand up for kids, end family separation and so much more. Thank you for being a part of it. We couldn’t rise without you...
Anita's picture
