Tatsuko Go Hollo is an advocate to the very core and has spent ten years working in formal advocacy and policy analysis roles. The work she is most proud of is that which has moved us toward a more equitable and just place to live, work and raise a family. She is from a line of healers, seekers and laborers, and is both daughter and mother to immigrants. She rises up every single day in the face of chronic illness and will continue to defy expectations, stereotypes and model minority myths.
Blog Post List
Adoption Awareness Month
![[photo of an adult holding an infant in a vehicle looking out the window]](https://www.momsrising.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/855%20%281%29.jpg?itok=UOlEt8Rp)
November 26, 2018
Like every parent, I will never forget the day we brought our daughter home for the first time. It was an unseasonably warm spring day and, after dumping the luggage from our weeks abroad, we headed straight for the yard. As I set our 17-month-old in the grass, I felt a momentary a rush of relief – relief to be home, to be back in the familiar. It was her first time feeling grass on her skin, and that moment of relief proved to be just that – but a moment. In the next instant, our toddler began to scream in terror and the gravity of becoming adoptive parents came crashing down on us. More...

November 20, 2018
Como cualquier padre de familia, nunca olvidaré el día que trajimos a nuestra hija a la casa por primera vez. Era un día de primavera inusualmente cálido y, después de meter a la casa el equipaje de una semana que pasamos fuera del país, salimos al patio. Cuando puse a nuestra hija de 17 meses en el césped, sentí una momentánea sensación de alivio –alivio de estar en casa, de regresar a lo conocido. Era la primera vez que ella sentía el césped en su piel y ese momento de alivio fue solo eso, un momento. En un instante, mi hija comenzó a gritar aterrorizada y la gravedad de lo que significaba...