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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a young child looking off to the side, a worried look on their face.]

Family Separation is Wrong: SIGN NOW to Stop Trump’s Immigration Policies

November 6, 2019
We’ve all been hearing about the depths of cruelty of the Trump Administration’s family separation policies for a while, but the extent of that cruelty is still being discovered. Horrifyingly, just last week, the ACLU discovered 1,556 more immigrant families were separated than previously estimated...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Zombies, vampires & the U.S. Senate's legislative graveyard

October 30, 2019
Halloween is especially scary this year. Not because of the neighbor’s zombie decorations – and certainly not because of all the (adorable) miniature vampires at your door for candy. Nope. This year, Halloween is off-the-charts frightening because of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s LEGISLATIVE GRAVEYARD that is actively harming women, working families, the LGBTQ+ community, the immigrant community, and our democracy.
Sara Alcid's picture
Get Your Sticker!

Sticker Time! Moms Raising Liberty & Justice

October 28, 2019
Changing the world doesn’t have to be scary. With MomsRising, standing up for moms and children can be inspiring and fun. That’s why, by popular demand, we’re printing more of our “Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice” stickers that have energized MomsRising members around the nation, so you can...
Kristin's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: October 24, 2019

October 25, 2019
Know what's spookier than a bump in the night? Not speaking out about issues that matter to women and families! We're here to help, with this week's round-up of top actions. Please scroll down and make sure you've signed them all, then be sure to share with family and friends too. Because together...
Karen Showalter's picture

TONIGHT: Online #KeepMarching Meeting on Immigration!

October 24, 2019
Autumn is in full swing - and as we plan for events and holidays that bring our families closer together, it's important to remember that immigrant families are still being torn apart. Immigrants are our neighbors, friends, and family members, and we must step up for them. Our October #KeepMarching...
Dorie Klein's picture

Asian American Women Power Up in DC

October 7, 2019
Recently, the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) kicked off its Power Up Conference , a convening of more than 100 advocates from across the nation to help fuel the reproductive justice movement for Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls. Advocates will share...
Sung Yeon Choimorrow's picture

The CHN Human Needs Report: Spending updates, border fights, new Census data, and more

September 30, 2019
The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. Read on for the latest on Congress's work to avoid a shutdown, immigration and border fights, new poverty and health insurance data, anti-SNAP and Medicaid proposals, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture

What Citizenship Day Means to Me

September 17, 2019
As Americans, there are certain things that bind us all together regardless of origin, gender, or political affiliation. A love of country, democracy, and a tireless pursuit of equity, justice, and humanity, serve as a unifying force for Latinos and all Americans. These ideals serve as the bedrock...
Lizette Escobedo's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019
Happy Friday. We're sharing this week's roundup of top and timely actions below, featuring timely and important calls-to-action around immigration, taxes, gun safety, and more. Scroll down for an exciting photo of our team at the debate in Houston last night, too! As always, sharing this list with...
Karen Showalter's picture
US Womens Soccer Team

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: September 6, 2019

September 6, 2019
September is in full swing, and we are ready for it! We're sharing this week's roundup of top and timely actions below, featuring two important calls-to-action on gun safety. There's also a call for stories on youth incarceration, a chance to speak out about family separation, and a link to donate...
Karen Showalter's picture
