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Top Actions of the Past Week: Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1, 2024
TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS! Nonpartisan report shows immigrants make the economy stronger! A new report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that thanks to the uptick in immigration, following the pandemic, the U.S. economy will grow an additional $7 trillion!!! U.S. revenue is...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
TPS for Ecuador

The Urgent Call for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ecuadorians

February 15, 2024
Nearly two years ago, amidst the tranquility of Ecuador's summer, my family's peaceful visist to my homeland turned into a nightmare. As political turmoil swept through the streets, our trip was abruptly halted in a small highland town, where the scarcity of gas heightened our sense of...
linda's picture

El Llamado Urgente para el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para los Ecuatorianos

February 15, 2024
Hace casi dos años, en medio de la tranquilidad del verano ecuatoriano, la pacífica visita de mi familia a mi tierra natal se convirtió en una pesadilla. Mientras la agitación política se extendía por las calles, nuestro viaje se detuvo abruptamente en un pequeño pueblo de las tierras altas, donde...
linda's picture

Empowering Immigrant Voices: Recap of the TPS for Ecuador Event at UT Capitol

February 15, 2024
This past Tuesday marked a significant milestone as the TPS for Ecuador event unfolded at the Utah State Capitol, radiating success and celebration throughout. Immigrant voices resonated passionately, shedding light on their stories and emphasizing the indispensable contributions of immigrants to...
linda's picture

Top Actions of the Past Week: Friday, February 09, 2024

February 9, 2024
USE YOUR VOICE! Help celebrate Immigrant Caregivers! National Caregivers Day is just days away! And this February 16th we’re going to lift up immigrant caregivers and remind everyone that immigrants are critical to our families, our communities, and the economy! Why now? We’re hearing a lot of anti...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
A nurse wearing red scrubs assists an elderly patient in a wheelchair lift a weight with their right arm.

Spotlight an immigrant caregiver in your life!

January 29, 2024
Day-after-day immigrant caregivers help keep families and children healthy and safe! They are truly unsung heroes! "I have personally benefited from the work of immigrant home health aides. During this pandemic they made it possible for me as an elderly disabled person, to stay home when New York...
Claudia Tristan's picture

Top Actions of the Past Week: Friday, January 26, 2024

January 25, 2024
Remind Congress the critical role immigrant caregivers play in our lives! “My mother died a few months ago of cancer and we would have not made it as a family without the daily care from immigrant caregivers. This country needs immigrants from all walks of life and we are lucky to have them.” –...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

¡Pide al Congreso que muestre amor por las familias en este Día de San Valentín!

January 24, 2024
En este San Valentín, le decimos al Congreso: "No rompan nuestros corazones. ¡Aprueben políticas que las familias amen!" Así es, ya es hora de que el Congreso muestre su amor por nuestras familias y apruebe políticas que sean más dulces que una caja de chocolates, políticas que beneficien a los...
linda's picture
Take Action

Tell Congress, “Don’t go breaking our hearts! Pass policies that families LOVE!”

January 23, 2024
This Valentine’s Day, we’re telling Congress: “Don’t go breaking our hearts. Pass policies that families LOVE!” That’s right, it’s past time for Congress to show their love for our families and pass policies that are sweeter than a heart-shaped box of chocolates—policies that lift children,...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Demuestra tu apoyo por los proveedores de cuidados inmigrantes y la comunidad

January 21, 2024
Mi mamá murió hace unos cuantos meses de cáncer y no hubiéramos podido subsistir sin la atención diaria que nos dieron los proveedores de cuidados inmigrantes. Este país necesita inmigrantes de todos los estratos sociales y somos afortunados de tenerlos.” – Miembro de MomsRising de Pennsylvania...
Claudia Tristan's picture
