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Childcare & Early Education

Teen Mom's School Refuses to Let Her Pump Milk

January 31, 2013
Yesterday a friend posted a link to a Facebook group I'm in about Jaielyn, a high school sophomore in Delaware whose school won't let her pump or store breast milk at school. I read the article and my head spun. I've been here before. I got pregnant at the end of my sophomore year of high school...
Charlie Rose's picture

Boys Need Help with Body Image, Too

January 14, 2013
I vividly remember once overhearing my then-six-year-old son’s friend asking how he could get six-pack abs. I was shocked that these young boys were so concerned with their appearance and so aware of what the media was pushing as the ideal male body. Of even more concern, a strong desire to look...
Leslie Kantor's picture

No Teachers With Guns, No Police in Schools

January 12, 2013
On December 30, 2012, President Obama said he doubted arming school police with guns will prevent future school shootings , but then January 11, 2013's EdWeek hints that he may yield to local law enforcement officers and communities if it has "bipartisan" support. While President Barack Obama said...
Cynthia Liu's picture

There’s Still Time to Keep Kids From Falling off the Cliff

December 30, 2012
With New Year’s fast approaching, the “fiscal cliff” puts billions of dollars of critical investments for children at risk. If policy makers do nothing, millions of children could be pushed into poverty with the expiration of improvements to the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit...
Jared Solomon's picture

Nickelodeon: Stop Advertising Junk Food to our Children

December 19, 2012
Pssst…your child’s favorite cartoons on Nickelodeon aren’t as cute and innocent as they look. In fact, they’re quite guilty of teaching your child to want junk food and to pester you for these unhealthy products. They’re making your child believe that junk foods are “kids’ food” and that’s what...
Carol Hazen's picture

Going Over the Fiscal Cliff: Women and Kids First

December 10, 2012
Congress is likely to remain in session until Christmas Eve -- wrangling over the looming sequester and expiration of the Bush tax cuts. The country doesn't have enough money, or doesn't spend it right, or the rich have too much of it, or the middle class doesn't have enough, or the poor get too...
Martha Burk's picture

Nickelodeon prides itself on responsible TV programming for kids, but what about its marketing?

December 4, 2012
Nickelodeon prides itself on responsible TV programming for kids, but what about its marketing? It’s time for Nickelodeon to take responsibility and dump the junk. Tell Nickelodeon to dump the junk: Studies show that food marketing causes children to want more and eat more of...
Margo Wootan's picture

Eldercare, Childcare, and Everything In Between:'s Thank You to Caregivers

November 27, 2012
Late night calls are the worst. Mine came all the way from Shanghai, China, where my parents live part of the year. My dad's voice was faint, halting. He told me quickly that my mom had fallen and broken her leg and he was with her in the hospital right now. She would need surgery. Could I leave...
Cynthia Liu's picture

A Fight for the Future: How Budget Talks Affect Our Kids

November 20, 2012
You've heard the term "fiscal cliff" and you've heard about how lawmakers in Washington can't agree on spending or taxes. But here's what you probably haven't heard: The federal budget negotiations happening right now may result in deep cuts to programs that benefit the next generation of Americans...
Mattea Kramer's picture

Federal Cuts to Education? We Say Kids, Not Cuts

November 15, 2012
My home state is California, and we just successfully survived our own state version of the "fiscal cliff" when it comes to education. Here, they were called the "trigger cuts." If Proposition 30 -- essentially part of the June 30, 2012 budget passed by the legislature that needed the people's...
Cynthia Liu's picture
