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Childcare & Early Education

TX Mom Jailed For Letting Kids Play Outside (VIDEO)

October 4, 2012
A mom arrested for letting her two children play outside? Isn’t that what kids are supposed to do? Yes. you read that right. Tammy Cooper was arrested last week and thrown into jail because her two kids, ages 6 and 9, were playing outside. The youngsters weren’t vandalizing, or causing any kind of...
care2's picture

The Presidential Debate You Won't Hear

October 3, 2012
The U.S. education system is what made this country prosperous in the twentieth century -- but no longer. Perhaps no issue is more urgent than this, yet for all the talk of teacher’s unions and testing, real education programs, ideas that will matter, are nonexistent this election season. Flickr/...
Mattea Kramer's picture

16 Million Reasons for the Candidates to Care about Poverty

October 2, 2012
By the time President Obama and Governor Romney throw out the first punches in the October 3 debate, many of the nation’s 16 million poor children will be fast asleep. Some of them will have gone to bed hungry. Some of them will be sleeping in homeless shelters or substandard housing. Many of them...
Hannah Matthews's picture

U.S. Educational Outcomes Improved Despite Our Economic Woes

September 26, 2012
Headlines about the “crisis in education” might lead you to believe otherwise but most educational outcomes in the United States have improved over the last decade. High school graduation rates and national math and reading scores for students of all races and incomes are higher than ever. More...
Laura Speer's picture

County Fact Sheets Highlight Health of Children of Color

September 25, 2012
We have long known that communities with higher rates of poverty and unsafe school conditions face sizeable barriers to leading healthy, successful lives. To provide data that illustrates the intersection between our surroundings and our health, we developed a new series of fact sheets, Spotlight...
Ellen Wu's picture

Raising Kids Who Care

September 25, 2012
It was one of those mornings when I was in a hurry, but the universe had other plans. I sat my groggy four-year old down with a buttered bagel so I could rush to get ready while she ate, but when I came running back to her, I saw that she had placed a favorite coffee-table book in front of her and...
Homa Tavangar's picture

Eat, Read, Sleep

September 20, 2012
Back-to-school night: With four kids, I’ve attended a few. Last night the Principal at my children’s grade school delivered an opening message worth memorizing: Eat, read, sleep. Families today are busy! It sounds trite, but it’s true. With 24/7 connectivity, a recession, and a global economy, most...
Nanette Fondas's picture

#RADIO – On Location at the Democratic National Convention

September 18, 2012
We have a very special show for you. We were at the Democratic National Convention and met amazing and inspiring leaders from across the nation. We recorded some great interviews with spectacular guests for you to listen to at your leisure. Enjoy! **You can hear the whole show now by clicking here...
Kristin's picture

School’s Out for Teachers

September 7, 2012
By Abby Lane, Fellow, National Women’s Law Center We’re back this Friday with your monthly update on the BLS jobs numbers . Other things are back too – cooler temps are back, Monday night football is back, and kids are back to school – but one thing that isn’t back are teachers . Local education...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture

The National Women’s Law Center’s Labor Day Index

September 5, 2012
This blog was cross-posted from Womenstake , the National Women's Law Center's blog. In honor of Labor Day, here’s a snapshot of how working women are faring in today’s economy, by the numbers. Percentage of college graduates earning bachelor’s degrees who are women: 57 . Percentage of students...
Liz Watson's picture
