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#GFF2015: How to Incorporate Exercise in Your Family’s Daily Activities

January 12, 2015
Children do what their parents do, so make healthy choices in your everyday life and your kids will follow … for a lifetime. Here are some ideas from Cristina, aka TriathlonMami.
Cristina Ramirez's picture

Many years after college, I’m still working my butt off for tuition

January 12, 2015
Just a couple of months ago, I helped to translate Dr. Glenn Doman’s Fit Baby, Smart Baby, Your Baby to Mandarin Chinese. At the beginning of the book, Dr. Doman wrote, “The early development of mobility in newborns is a vital part of their future ability to learn and grow to full potential.” When translating this sentence, I looked at my 20-month-old. Surely we all know that learning begins at birth and the brain develops faster between birth to age 3 than any other period of life.
To-wen Tseng's picture

How far would you go to protect your family?

November 24, 2014
I now understand the idea of parents being willing to do “anything” for their children. Sometimes you have to fight to protect your family--- at the voting booth, in a courtroom or even in your own community.
Christine Rose Regan's picture
Take Action!

BREAKING - No indictment. Enough is enough.

November 24, 2014
It’s time to make our voices heard to end racial profiling and to advance police reform.Enough is enough.
Monifa Bandele's picture

Closer to the Finish Line

October 24, 2014
With opportunity gaps widening for poor children and children of color, new guidance from the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education offers new hope and protection from discrimination.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Today’s Lesson: Inequality

October 17, 2014
I encountered mathematical inequalities again when I taught them to my third graders. But since becoming a part of the team at the National Women’s Law Center, I’ve learned a lot about the other types of inequality in schools. Unfortunately, it’s no math lesson—and too many African American girls are on the “less than” side of it.
Gail Zuagar's picture

Comunidades saludables: Continuación de los "asuntos pendientes" de la EPA

October 10, 2014
Comencé en Earthjustice hace cinco meses, después de haber trabajado en la Administración de Obama como asesora del administrador de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, Environmental Protection Agency). Mi trabajo como asesorar a la EPA consistía de asuntos de justicia ambiental, que incluían trabajar con comunidades de color, y comunidades de bajos ingresos y tribales, que luchaban para que sus comunidades fueran más saludables. Para ello, intentaban reducir la injusta carga de toxinas y sustancias peligrosas que contaminaban su aire, su agua, su tierra y sus cuerpos.
Lisa Garcia's picture

Healthy Communities: Continuing the “Unfinished Business” of the EPA

October 9, 2014
Overburdened communities are fighting strenuously but sometimes lack the resources, capacity and access to power that other communities can take for granted. Their communities—like many neighborhoods in the Bronx, N.Y., where I lived as a child, were overburdened with landfills, waste transfer stations, refineries, power plants and myriad sources of pollution for reasons that have a whole lot to do with race and class.
Lisa Garcia's picture

Don't Mess with CHIP: Seventeen Years of Success

October 8, 2014
“If I could sit down for freedom, you can stand up for children.” --Mrs. Rosa Parks, honorary co-chair, 1996 Stand for Children rally
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Yeah, my kid votes. Does yours?

September 30, 2014
I’ve tried to raise a responsible, engaged American, and I’ve worked hard to make sure she appreciates her privilege as a U.S. citizen to have a voice in our democracy, and her duty to exercise it.
Gloria Pan's picture
