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Happy #GivingTuesday! Your stories of grit and grace

November 28, 2017
As the sun sets on Giving Tuesday, I'm sitting here with pecan pie leftovers and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for MomsRising members. Your stories on what keeps you going, why you #keepmarching, show the unstoppable grit and grace of a movement powered by women and moms. Here's a small...
Anita's picture

#GivingTuesday: ¡Cómo pueden ayudarnos a correr la voz!

November 27, 2017
Mientras escribo esto, estoy sentada en el sillón, sintiendo todavía una ligera llenura después de una pequeña y tranquila cena el jueves donde no hubo pavo, pero sí hubo macarrones con queso y langosta, coles de Bruselas y un enorme pastel de calabaza, entre otras delicias. La oficina está en...
Sili Recio's picture

This Thanksgiving Eve, I Am So Grateful.

November 22, 2017
On Thanksgiving eve, I’m thankful, worried, busy, tired, and optimistic all at the same time. I bet you are too. I’ve got lists for the grocery store (can’t forget the sweet potatoes!) and for Congress (urge them to stop their destructive tax plan in its tracks). This has been quite a year. I’ve...
Kristin's picture
Get The Pin!

Fight this heartless move. "It's Time to Use Our Outside Voices!"

September 6, 2017
President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is short-sighted, cruel and harmful to our nation’s economy and communities. Our country is strongest when we provide young people with hope and opportunity and when we help families stay together, not tear...
Kristin's picture
Get A Button!

Raise liberty & justice with us this Mother’s Day!

May 9, 2017
With Mother’s Day around the corner, we find these lines from Emma Lazarus’s poem, The New Colossus, referring to the Statue of Liberty, incredibly inspiring: “Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch , whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother...
Kristin's picture

Nevertheless, SHE PERSISTED

February 8, 2017
Last night, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell used an obscure Senate rule to specifically block Senator Elizabeth Warren from speaking, and to silence her for the rest of the debate over U.S. Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions. After this sexist move, he had the audacity to say: “She was warned. She...
Kristin's picture

Whoa, postcard campaign is EXPLODING!

October 21, 2016
Last week we asked important supporters like you to tap into your super powers and help turn out the women's vote. Well, A LOT OF YOU flexed your superhero muscles and volunteered to send handwritten notes to women voters, urging them to vote. WHICH IS AWESOME! But… reaching as many critical women...
Kristin's picture
Take Action!

Who won the mom vote tonight?

September 27, 2016
Tonight , during the first presidential debate, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton laid out extraordinarily different visions for America. Which one do you think moms and families prefer? YOU have the power to make sure a vision for America that women, moms, and families support wins this November...
Kristin's picture
Get Your Sticker!

It's Mother's Day! Get the new MomsRising bumper sticker!

May 5, 2016
You brainstormed. You voted. You chose the next MomsRising bumper sticker - here's what it says: “VOTE! Why? Because Moms Said So!” In honor of Mother’s Day, let’s show our strength by getting this sticker EVERYWHERE, starting with you! All donors get one of our new bumper stickers. Contribute $25...
Kristin's picture

¡Ahora todo empieza a encajar!

January 5, 2016
¿Quién les quitaría a los niños de bajos recursos el acceso a servicios de salud? La respuesta puede sorprenderte . Cuando era una madre soltera desempleada, tratando de lanzar mi propio negocio, CHIP (sigla en inglés del Programa de Seguro Médico para Niños) cubría la atención médica de mi pequeña...
Sili Recio's picture
