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Time magazine recently dedicated a cover to education. Despite my time helping start a Spanish immersion school and writing about education, I found so much of it eye-opening, starting with the controversy around merit pay for teachers.
Elisa Batista's picture
Written by Nanette Fondas and Katie Bethell A stay-at-home mother doesn't get a paycheck, so she might wonder if the Fair Pay Restoration Act impacts her life. At first glance it appears not, but a closer look shows that it does affect her and that all moms -- regardless of their stay-at-home or working mother status -- would be wise to support it.
Nanette Fondas's picture
A few days back I was talking with a working mom who is newly pregnant. She's someone I really like and respect. Anyway, I asked her what she intended to do regarding maternity leave and she told me she expected that she would take a few weeks off from work.
We moms do our best to keep our families safe. But in light of recent safety news, I think we're going to go find Saddam Hussein's worm hole and take up residence there.
PunditMom's picture
When it comes to open, flexible work options such as those is working to achieve, the term "family-friendly" could more accurately be labeled "human-friendly." People in every conceivable living arrangement desire work that takes into account their individuality, their dreams, and their responsibilities outside of their jobs.
Carla Moquin's picture
Touring with a blonde, twenty-one year old Olympic Gold medalist can be hard on a woman’s ego. Especially if that woman is of a certain age and considers yoga a contact sport. (Sneeze, and you’ll blow me right into my 40th birthday and out of my hard-earned bird of paradise yoga position.)
By the time the next President is in the third year of his or her term, my teenagers will be eligible for the draft. Believe me, we're watching the candidates' closely when it comes to their views on war -- and arguing about them. If your family's anything like ours, you're probably talking campaign, election, and issues around the dinner table, too.
The candidates are all talking about Change (with a big "C"), and we applaud them for that because real families need real change. Now let's get the candidates talking about how exactly they're going to make those Changes.
Kristin's picture
Jessica DeGroot from The Third Path Institute and I have recently been discussing some of the factors that help dads get more involved with their families. Here's #1 on her list:
