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Cross-posted at MotherTalkers .
Elisa Batista's picture
You can't take your eyes off them for a second. No, I'm not talking about the kids. This time, it's the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) monkeying around with toxic toys.
Donna's picture
by Ashley B. Carson and Adam J. Payne (The Older Women’s League)
by Ashley B. Carson and Adam J. Payne (The Older Women’s League)
MomsRising is fighting for family economic security policies. Here’s what we recently submitted the Obama Transition Team as our immediate top priorities for families. Download and print our Building a Better Nation for Families priorities document here. Or jump to & read sections here: Why We...
Kristin's picture
I got a call the other day from a mother in Louisiana whose two year old daughter had started growing breasts. Today, there came another call from a mom who is anguishing over the plastic baby bottles she has been using for her children.
Healthy Families has been a health-saver, if not a life-saver, for my family. I'm self-employed and have to provide my own insurance. Four years ago, my older daughter's school wanted her put on ADD meds to see if they would help with her learning disabilities.
POST-ELECTION WRAP-UP AND LOOKING FORWARD This year we had the pleasure of working with MomsRising members to elevate key family issues for candidates through personal communications to candidates and media displays at the Democratic and Republican conventions. Our members also worked hard to get...
Nanette Fondas's picture
More than 162,000 eligible children are at risk of falling through safety net and losing hope of needed health coverage.
One of my best friends called me this week and told me that she just started clipping coupons for the first time in her life. All across the country, moms and dads are sitting down at their kitchen tables and figuring out how to make their money stretch farther. If we are thinking carefully about our money, it's only fair that our leaders do the same. How?
Donna's picture
