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While living in California, quality early education/childcare cost as much as I was making. Not having a career position as an executive assistant, leaving the workforce seemed the best option, given that I would be working to hold a place in a career path that was my second choice. (I have a...Read more
My employer provides on site daycare. They subsidize it, so our teachers have good salaries, good benefits, healthcare, etc. It is an excellent center and the teachers have great longevity. The convenience was key to me being able to breast feed both of my daughters beyond their first birthday...Read more
Dina, Washington
Childcare, I quit my job and raise our child. Our main premise for childcare was far from money. I believe many of us have lost site of our children and their needs. We rob their childhood way too soon. Academic preschools, music lessons, sports and on and on before they are five years old. Being a...Read more
I have been unable to afford childcare for over a year now. Because, childcare is so cost prohibitive in Los Angeles, it is more cost effective to stay home than to work. I have many friends in the same position and all of us had to give up our jobs because childcare is more expensive than we can...Read more
When my second child was born, my husband had saved up vacation time to take some time off to help out at home and get to know his new daughter. Instead, things got busy at work and his company required him to work overtime. I had postpartum depression and this made for a very difficult situation...Read more
Anonymous, Wisconsin
We live in Marin County and childcare here costs atleast $15 per hour for a babysitter. Of course you can find lower, but they usually don't speak English. I don't make much more per hour than they do so it was pointless for me to work and just hand my earnings over to the babysitter. Instead we...Read more
