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I am terminally ill, and my husband cannot take time off to take care of me or to take me to appointments. I cannot drive, and I have had to cancel critical appointments for this reason. How many lives can be saved just by paying people when they need to take care of a critically or terminally ill...Read more
Andrea, Aurora, CO
As a physician who was employed by one of the most well known medical schools in the country, I found that after 7 years on the faculty and with all of the possible credentials and board certifications, I was being paid $8000 less than a brand new male physician in a similar role in the same...Read more
Julie, California
“My mother died a few months ago of cancer and we would have not made it as a family without the daily care from immigrant caregivers. This country needs immigrants from all walks of life and we are lucky to have them.” – MomsRising member from PennsylvaniaRead more
I was a daycare assistant in a home daycare setting in Irvine CA for approximately 5 months. What I discovered is that the motivation for most of these business owners is the opportunity to supplement their income while being able to stay home with their own young children. The woman I accepted a...Read more
In my area, affordable childcare does not exist. There is expensive childcare that is not high quality, and there is high quality childcare that is not affordable. I have been working as a teacher, and I quickly learned that the teachers I work with have family members who take care of their...Read more
Being pregnant and going into labor were the scariest moments of my life. And it wasn’t because I didn’t know what to expect, or because I had watched too many movie deliveries. I was terrified because I knew, that despite living in America, one of the richest countries in the world - that it was...Read more
Lashonda, NY
Like most Americans, I do not have paid family leave. I went into labor with my son when I was at work, almost two months before his due date. My son was born at 33 weeks, by emergency C-section, and spent a month in the NICU. I used all of my vacation and sick time to be with him daily. When that...Read more
Jonna Ashley, Denver
As a social worker (Child Protective Services) low or no cost child care is the difference between my clients working or staying home and continuing to collect TANF. Child Care also provide a safety net where children are seen everyday by mandated reporters instead of spending 24/7 with their...Read more
I have been laid off three times in three years due to the economy - this has caused me to lose all of my savings and other hardships I'd rather not list. Childcare/Preschool in the Bay Area is expensive and it's necessary so that I can find a job. I had to take my daughter out of her preschool and...Read more
My husband and I are college professors. I think that places us solidly in the "middle class." However, even though we live in a fairly low rent apartment, have only one car and are both fully employed, we can't actually find child care we can afford. Every month we barely balance our checkbook and...Read more
Shanna, Rhode Island
