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Childcare I quit my job...

Childcare, I quit my job and raise our child. Our main premise for childcare was far from money. I believe many of us have lost site of our children and their needs. We rob their childhood way too soon. Academic preschools, music lessons, sports and on and on before they are five years old. Being a child should be magical and filled with imagination and free play. Not intellectual drills.

We never considered outside childcare we didn't have a child not to farm it out for someone else to raise but to enjoy the presence of a child in our life. My professional life is pale compared to the joy and bliss of raising our child.

We downsized our life to our loss of income. Not a sacrifice but a free choice.

In my opinion it is not early child education we need. We need parent education. We need affordable food, housing and most importantly health care so one parent can stay home and raise their children without huge financial burden. In my opinion we need less leading and more following of the cues and needs our children cry out for.
