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MomsRising Newsroom

October 2, 2012
Statement “Today’s action by Judge Robert Simpson to block enforcement of  Pennsylvania’s draconian and unnecessary voter identification law is cause for celebration among women and moms everywhere! This law is one of many underhanded and unfair efforts to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote.  
September 28, 2012
News release WASHINGTON, DC – With this year’s election pulling into the homestretch, mothers all across the country are listening carefully to hear what the candidates have to say about the issues that are most important to them, and they’ll be paying particular attention on October 3 when the presidential candidates hold their first debate on domestic policy in Denver, CO.
September 6, 2012
Statement “We’re not soccer moms on the sidelines, but networked moms on the front lines.  We’re paying attention, we're organized, and we’re voting.    More than 80% of women in the United States have children by the time they're forty-four, making moms one of the most important parts of the American public, culturally and electorally.  Many of the realities that moms face everyday are not yet being addressed on the campaign trail.  
August 28, 2012
Statement “As Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan accept the Republican nomination at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, they need to consider one of America’s most important but overlooked demographics: moms.    “More than 80 percent of women in the United States have children by the time they're forty-four, making moms an important part of the American public, culturally and electorally.    
August 20, 2012
Statement “There’s good news and bad news in the American Time Use Survey released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics last week. The good news is that more people are able to access and use paid leave, which is good for our nation’s families. The bad news is that it’s still the case that people in low-wage jobs, particularly women, often don’t have access to paid leave.  
August 10, 2012
News release While we continue the momentum towards passage of the DREAM Act, mothers across the country are standing in support of the 1.76 million immigrant youth who will be able, starting August 15, 2012, to seek a form of administrative relief from deportation.  
July 31, 2012
Statement “There's no question that millions of American women, moms and their families have already benefitted from the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Moms like Christine Farley, whose son has Cystic Fibrosis, and who no longer has to worry that he’ll be denied coverage because of his pre-existing condition or run into a lifetime cap on his health care coverage. Moms like Tracy Munoz, whose adult sons will be covered under her and her husband’s insurance plans until they reach 26.
June 28, 2012
Statement “As moms and caregivers for our families, we know how crucial health care is. The Affordable Care Act has proven to be a life-changing, and life-saving, law, and we are overjoyed that families will continue to benefit from its provisions.  
June 18, 2012
Statement “The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Rule is an important step forward for clean air.   It will protect families all across the country from dangerous toxics like mercury and arsenic and prevent more than 100,000 asthma attacks a year.  
June 6, 2012
Statement Good morning, Chairman Capito, Ranking Member Maloney, members of the Subcommittee. Thank you for inviting me to testify on behalf of MomsRising.  I particularly want to thank Congresswoman Maloney for her history of strong and visionary leadership on issues related to family economic security.  
